Growing up, we always carried patches on our bike trips because now and then, we’d get a flat tire. Over time, people used all-rubber tires, or sew-ups. But, overall, we had patches throughout our tubes, which sometimes, looked like Puerto Rico’s roads! Some roads have 47 patches in a span of 200 yards! It’s patches after patches!  In fact, I think the island should be called, “Patcho Rico” in Spanish, or “Patches Rico” in English!  Nevertheless, patches are well-known for other things, as on clothing, such as pants, shirts, on elbows on jackets. Reminds me of the 70’s song, “Patches” by Clarence Carter.

In life, we can transition from one event to another, or connect things such as floorings or counter tops in a seamless fashion; practically, continuous.  No patchwork!

In scripture, we’re told of at least two coats that were seamless: Joseph’s, and Jesus.’ Being seamless meant they were whole; woven through.  In other words, one couldn’t patch them up.

In life, we can get tangled up with all types of issues from pre-marital unions, to drugs, extra-marital affairs, and so much more.  When life catches up with us, we sometimes try to fix the problems with little patches.  Just as in Westerns (movies) when someone got shot, a torniquet was applied.  It helped stop the blood issue, but didn’t solve the real problem-a bullet buried deep within skin, needing to be removed.

Are you trying to patch up your life? Trying to patch up mistakes?  People want to try to get to heaven by patching up their lives.

Here’s a CLUE: You’ll NEVER ask Jesus into your life as long as you’re waiting to get your life ready on YOUR OWN.  If you could, you wouldn’t need Him!  If we could straighten out our lives before asking Him into it, why need Him?

We can’t patch up our mistakes and we can’t sew them up either.  The fact that their coats were seamless tells us God was in charge.  Only He can make us whole. Only Jesus can transition our lives from what it is/where it’s at, to where He wants to take us.

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse” (Matthew 9:16).

 Only through Him, can others see us and remark at how “all-together” our lives seem.  See, it’s better to forego the patchwork and start afresh.  Besides, we tend to easily tear our garments (lives), but Jesus gives us new ones (new life) that resists Satan’s punctures.  Allow Jesus to dress you with His righteousness!

“I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with his garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels” (Isaiah 61: 10,11).

No patches, no sew-ups, no flats, not my will, not my ways, but His!

God Bless!