In recent years, the lure of riches and extravagant living has made its way from athletes, movie stars, and pop stars, to pastors and church-goers.  Throughout church history one thing remains the same: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Today, some of Jesus’ followers, have missed one of God’s most important messages: “He has shown thee, oh man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8).

Jesus has always been our example on how to live. Notice that when the young, rich ruler came to Him asking what he needed to do for eternal life, Jesus didn’t put His arm around him and say, “Oggie, my son, today’s your lucky day; you’re going to save both of us by sharing your wealth with Me.” That’s something some of today’s “men of God” would probably do. Jesus told him to sell everything & share his wealth with the poor (Matthew 19:16).

We have leaders walking around with half-a-mil dollars in jewelry.  Others, can’t function without dishing out millions for personal planes.  Jesus’ message to all has been clear: be content with what you have (Hebrews 13:5).  Our purpose on earth is to glorify Him by what we do-& how we do it. We’re to bring people into His kingdom by showing them Jesus, not our extravaganza.

Our church group once went on a short mission’s trip from New York to New Jersey to help out a church.  In visiting a neighborhood, a black woman told a Puerto Rican lady from our group that she was happy in God because she had good & fancy sneakers. Our group lady told her, “These, these old sneakers? You want them? Let’s trade right now.” And the lady said, “Sure!” And they traded.

That was a great testimony.  Would that lady then serve God, since she now had “good, fancy” sneakers?

Here’s the issue: Our riches await us in heaven where rust does not corrupt and where thieves do not break in to steal them (Matthew 6:19-21), while we live modestly here (Hebrews 13:5).  However, greedy, selfish, and prideful people don’t want to wait for heaven.  Unfortunately for them, they will lose out when they get to heaven- if they do.

Oh, the riches that await us there!  People here will kick themselves when they see/hear the abundance of riches in God’s house and think of how they lost out through greed/deception, misappropriation of petty riches and fool’s gold on earth.

Words of wisdom: Don’t Do It! Wait on God for a lifetime opportunity of living with Him. For kicks, He’ll toss in heavenly riches like the sand on our beaches.

God Bless,
