If you’ve ever listened to the song, My True Story (1961) by the Jive Five, you know it says,

“Now they must cry, cry, cry, whoa

Their blues away (cry, cry, cry their blues away).”

People say, “Color me green, or color me purple,” because of how they feel.  But everyone can be colored blue at some point in their lives.  We’ve all been through the blues.  We’ve all experienced heartbreak, hurt, loneliness, etc.  Most of us have shed our share of tears. We can relate to The Tears of a Clown (Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, 1967) or The Tracks of My Tears (Smokey Robinson & The Miracles-1968), though I prefer Linda Ronstadt’s version, (1975).

Our lives are filled with tears; some of joy, but most of, probably, hurt and pain.  Picture unexpectedly running into a best friend or beloved person you haven’t seen in years or decades.  Once your eyes meet, or some type of recognition takes place, you run towards the other in warm embrace.  You just can’t believe it’s actually true! You’ve got so much to tell and more to listen to.  You invite each other over, or set up a meeting time to catch up on long, lost time. Your tears, overall, are of happiness.  You’ll want to never lose connecting again!

Now imagine that just as you’re hugging each other, another lost friend/relative shows up.  You cannot contain your emotions and your excitement.  You can’t seem to stop crying!  You’re overcome with joy and thrill!  It’s beyond anything you could have imagined!  What are the odds?!  So many tears!!!                           

Are you ready for what God has in store for you? If you’re saved, if you’re part of His family, tune in to the big picture!

You arrive in heaven.  Grab a hanky!                                  

You’re immediately surrounded by millions upon millions of people who’ll know you and whom you will also know (1Corinthians 13:12). You’ll be rejoicing nonstop as you think of what being there means!  You’ll know there will be no more fighting, no more wars, no stealing, no lying, no sickness, no death-ever! You’ll know all suffering and unfairness is gone for good! No more back pain, leg cramps, near sightedness, far sightedness, heck, no blindness!  There’ll be no nothing! Only rejoicing in praise and worship to the ONE who has made all things possible -all things new.  You’ll realize you’ll live in harmony with others for all eternity!  You’ll shed tears of joy and jubilation-until it happens…one of the greatest things of all time…

Jesus will go over to you, maybe embrace you and, whether with His hand, or just with His Word, He’ll wipe away every tear from your eyes!  He might show you all the tears you’ve shed in your lifetime-which he has stored in His bottle (Psalm 56:8), and then…all your tears of suffering will be gone forevermore!  Perhaps at that moment you’ll know you are HOME for good! You’ll be there to stay.  Jesus and the saints will be your neighbors. His angelic host will accompany you throughout eternity. 

The tracks of your tears shall be erased! You’ll now be laughing, laughing, laughing!!  It’ll be your true story!  You’ll give your nose it’s last, l-o-n-g T-O-O-T!!!   And…Toss your hanky!
God Bless, Sam

P.S. But, are you ready to take that step of faith NOW? Pray, “God, I’m a sinner and I repent of my sins.  Come Jesus, into my heart and make me new, In His Name, Amen.” Live for Him! You’re now ready for an adventure of a lifetime-it won’t be easy, but He’ll be with you every step of the way!

God Bless,
