Growing up we told other kids, particularly, pain-y ones, to shake a leg; meaning, move it, get lost, beat it, or skedaddle. We were very nice about it. We didn’t threaten anyone, but were serious.
However, the term, shake a leg, recently took on a different meaning for me. Lately, I’ve been doing something I’ve never done in the past 28 years. When we moved here (PR) in ’95, a neighbor told us, “This here is the countryside; the mountains. It’s where you pick up your slippers/shoes and shake them before putting them on. It’s where you shake your pants before wearing them because things get in them.” By things, she meant large roaches, or water bugs (flying type), spiders, lizards, snakes, etc.
It’s a good thing I generally put on my socks before my pants. Last week after power washing and afterwards showering, when I pushed my right leg into my pants, out zipped a large black spider! I now shake my pants and meticulously look inside the legs before using them! Shake a leg, is now a good thing!

By the way, spiders are everywhere!
“The spider takes hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces” (Proverbs 30:28).
As you may have noticed around the world, God is shaking things up too. Muslims, Hindus, Asians, Communists, murderers, and even politicians are being drawn into God’s Kingdom! He’s shaking people groups and nations!
Were it up to us, only certain people of certain backgrounds would make it into heaven. But God has made a way for everyone to enter in. Unlike a club that announced something like, “We’re the most exclusive club in town-everyone’s welcome” (great contradiction!), God’s mandates prevail over all others. He does welcome everyone.
To enter His kingdom, one must undergo His guidelines: Repent of your sinful ways and lifestyle, acknowledge God’s existence, invite Him (Jesus) into your heart.
He will, through the Holy Spirit indwell you, and transform you from the inside out, thus making you a new creation.
To all the countless hundreds of millions of people who refuse His ways, He’ll accept it because He doesn’t force anyone to follow Him. But, on judgement day, know without a doubt, that He will tell them, “Shake a leg;” “I never knew you.”

By the way, we’ve seen about 7 more huge spiders since that day! One was in the kitchen! Another day, one was in the bathroom. I sprayed it & it hid behind a cabinet. Later, my wife and I tip-toed through the bathroom looking for it. As a safety measure, I went to get the roach spray, & saw it had traveled & was now right on it!
Better to shake a leg than to be shaking in my pants!

God Bless,