When Roman law meant a soldier could compel/persuade a Jew to carry his armor or load one mile, Jesus said, “Walk two” (Matthew 5:41).  “When someone sues you for your coat, give him also your cloak” (Matthew 5:40).  That was known as going the distance; going above, and beyond what was required by law.

Today, everyone tends to go the distance when needs arise. It’s something usually expected from good-natured people.

During Christmas time, it’s not uncommon to hear stories of officers or others in authority, as well as common people to come to the rescue to those in need.  Such events restore faith in humanity because kindness seems to be falling short lately.

In the eons of time, way-before mankind rebelled, God, already had a plan to restore him to full fellowship.  From God’s throne room in the third heaven, going past the starry heavens, and beyond the atmospheric heavens, God went beyond all barriers to fellowship with His creation. It wasn’t enough to simply hang around animals and created beings. He was able to speak face-to-face with His highest creation-man.  But He really went the distance when He placed Himself upon the cross for the sins of all humanity.  It wasn’t man’s hatred that placed Him there, and it wasn’t an accident, or, “Yikes, what have I done?” No, it was pure love that drove Him across time and space to pave the way to the Father so that all who want to live eternally, will receive His sacrifice.  That’s incomparable love.  There’s only one question: Will you go the distance to meet Him?  Don’t know where? Meet Him at the cross.  He waits for you there and will welcome you with head bowed and outstretched arms.

Merry Christmas!
