Love some of the gifts you received? Hate them? Already broken? Received a gift that keeps on giving…you a headache? Sometimes gifts are like a seltzer-they fizz a bit and then quickly dissipate. Their novelty wears out right away. The new car’s shine fades, and its tires wear out. The house needs constant repairs, and new appliances are scheduled to fail a few days after the warranty expires.

Our thirst is quenched for a few hours each day, but soon, even water won’t satisfy…unless, you drink from the fountain, not of youth, but of Living Waters. Jesus said: “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).

That’s water that will never run out! Meaning, Jesus will quench your spiritual thirst and meet all your needs eternally! Now, that’s a gift that keeps on giving!
When Adam & Eve were created by God, fashioned by His hand, not spoken into existence like the fish and creeping crawlers; but made in His image, He gave them the opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life to live forever. Although they didn’t eat from it, you can! Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Accept His gift of Salvation now and you’ll receive eternal life too! Everyday you’ll enjoy walking with Him just as Adam & Eve did during their period of innocence before the fall (Genesis 3:8). And, the best part of God’s gifts? You’ll never have to return them (no long lines either)! They’ll always fit; customized just for you. They won’t break. They won’t give you a headache…and you’ll love them!
