As the snow silently made its way down and covered the ground, a little boy and girl leaned their heads against the storefront window cupping both hands by their faces peeking in. To them, time stood still as they watched wind-up toys and stuffed animals in a snow-themed stage displaying the magic of Christmas. Flurries swirl helplessly in the air landing on the window pane and on the kids’ coats. What a treasured moment.

Let’s go inside! Let’s be young-at-heart again and step closer to our memories and thoughts.

Are you on the outside looking in? Are you trapped in the moment mesmerized watching the toy train on its endless loop through miniature trees, forests, underneath mountains of gifts heading back to the front? Are you viewing daintily-dressed dolls, American/Radio Flyer red wagons pulling teddy-bears, and glancing at jars of candies in the distance? Do twinkling lights and flickering candles pull at your heart? Do they engulf you in the sentiment of a small-town world of yesteryear?

Walking with Jesus is just like that. One feels like you’re within snow-covered window panes amongst the toys, the trains, the stuffed animals, enjoying the nostalgic moments. Sure, trials are ever-present; but you’re within the shelter of God cocooned with His love.
Those not in His service are as those on the outside looking in; not part of the moment. As they walk away from the magical displays on the storefront windows, the snow covers their footprints, and erases the unforgettable experience.

Isn’t it time to move inside, to enjoy the fellowship, even if only with teddy bears and toys? As thrilling as peering through frosted glass and antique stores might be, there’s no major thrill than walking with God. In fact, look in again and you can almost see Jesus sitting there holding out a teddy bear for you inviting you in. Contrary to some, He cares about what matters to you.
Step inside

Merry Christmas!!