Sometimes Christmas meant no hot water. Sometimes it meant no heat. Other times, it meant freezing weather. It meant being colder inside than outside. And sometimes, Christmas meant a blizzard on top of “all the above.”
One time, Christmas meant being all alone as I was abandoned by my mate. While Christmas meant joy, happiness, and lively music to others, it meant sadness, hurtful words, hurt feelings, and confusion to me. The twinkling lights faded. During those times, there seemed nothing to be thankful for, but there was always something worth it all.
I had friends and family to help me through it. Slowly, my heart healed. Hot water returned, as did warmer weather. Blizzards continued over the years, and snowball fights added to the excitement of feeling young again. Twinkling lights were replaced by the Light of the world (Jesus) coming to my heart. God’s comfort replaced restlessness and brought the peace Christmas gives. That was 46 years ago, and I’ve been walking with Him the last 44 years. Healing does come; “I am the LORD that heals you” (Exodus 5:26).
No matter what your life is like, no matter whether you celebrate Christmas or not; and no matter what you believe or don’t, God is REAL. His love is real because “God is love” (1John 4:7). Jesus is the real Christmas. He is the “reason for the season.”

And heat or no heat, His love and presence can warm your heart. So, is there room in the inn of your heart for Him to reside in tonight? Allow Him to move in for good!
Merry Christmas!

Fading Twinkling Lights
