It was Christmas 1978 when, along with my roommate, Ray, we decided to put up his silver tree. A few days later, cousin June came by and stared at it for awhile, shook his head, and said something was wrong. Next day he again looked at it after getting down on his knees, and then exclaimed, “I knew it!” “I knew it!” “That tree is upside down!!” I checked it out, and he was right! All the branches pointed downward! I plucked them out, straightened out the tree, and reinserted the branches. I made sure the tip with the star pointed upwards.
This Christmas season, how’s your life? Is it upside-down and you haven’t noticed? It’s easy to overlook things. “There’s a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). You may have to get on your knees for a closer view, do some introspection and proclaim, “He’s right!” Do some plucking: remove things branching out in the wrong direction. Get rid of unwanted/unneeded issues in your life. Point it upward towards Jesus. He’ll turn your life around. “
The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath” (Proverbs 15:24). When our lives are right, lined up with God’s Word, we’re “like a tree firmly planted…[that] shall not cease from bearing fruit” (Jeremiah 17:8). Your life will not be a” little off” but right on track pointing others beyond the stars-upwards.
Merry Christmas!