Every kid that celebrates Christmas is as anxious as can be the night before it approaches. The ambience contributes to it. Whether it’s the sweet smells of desserts, the food, the pine needles, or the vanilla/cinnamon scents that fill the air, there are myriad of messages sent to our brains that something important is being awaited.
Growing up, excitement could be felt everywhere. One could hear the clinging of the old heat pipes, along with the steam vapor rising up the sides of the radiators, sending us outside for a spell. Out in the cold, we’d see a different form of vapor: the cold air exiting our mouths every time we spoke and yelled with excitement about Christmas being just hours away. We’d play tag and freeze tag in an attempt to “kill time.” All-the-while praying that snow would fall. Sometimes, we got only flurries.
Then we’d go inside to watch some famous movie or Christmas show. We’d munch on chips, pretzels, cheese doodles, and maybe some cake as the hands on the clock just swung away. During commercials, we’d talk galore and play around counting minutes goodbye.
Before we knew it, Christmas was just a sleep away. We tried staying up as late as possible so that morning would come quickly. Soon, our sleepy eyes overtook us, and off we were to la-la land. Drifting in and out we’d go until sleep arrived for good.
Morning of Excitement was upon us! Perhaps, the streets were blanketed with snow like a white-powdered jelly donut. Snow softly landed on cars. Wind-gusts carried them away. Within our apartments, heat kept us warm. The chill-factor may have been high, but the warmth of Christmas quenched it all. The joy of gifts under the tree surpassed everything that may have been wrong with the world.
Maybe you’re a soul who has drifted from God; the cold hand of sin has grabbed ahold of you. The life which once was on fire for Him, is now frozen, blanketed in snow; robbed of the joy and excitement that once filled your life. But…A Morning of Excitement can be upon you! The death of Jesus upon the tree, surpasses every sin in your life. His death took your sins, shame, and pain away. The gift (of His life) upon that tree, is greater than any gift under any Christmas tree.
Once again, you can have a Christ-filled Christmas; one filled with all the excitement you once experienced as a child!
Merry Christmas!