Anticipation-Missing Christmas

Carol King sang, “Anticipation, is making me wait…”

We all know anticipating an event.  We wait endlessly for a call.  We skip the bathroom, and other important tasks just waiting for it.  Step out for 30 secs, and we miss it!

Right now, anticipation is in the air.  It brings an air of excitement.  It brings the thrill of wonder.  Christmas, with its snow and frost, and wonderful colors of red and green gladdens the heart.  The yearning of gifts under a tree, is enough to keep anyone up all night.  Waiting for Santa’s arrival adds to the suspense.  It’s a fact, anticipation can cause us to miss the special moments of Christmas.  We run here, we run there, back and forth.  We remember those we’ve forgotten, and back out again we go. We’re awaiting it, yet, it’s possible to over-decorate, over-shop, over-wrap, over-plan, over-eat, even get overweight, and miss God.

    Israel has long awaited the birth of the Messiah…they performed the rituals, kept the law, read the Holy Scriptures, sacrificed their blameless lambs…and they missed it.  Their “Christmas” came upon their midnight clear, but they were too busy to even notice it.  One can say they were blinded by the “snow” of their darkened minds. In their efforts to get it right, they missed it, “…because you did not know the hour of your visitation” (Luke 19:44).

In a stable, in a manger He was born, and it was witnessed only by some poor shepherds after its announcement was made by angels.  Israel wasn’t the only ones who missed it. The entire world did too.

And so will many others this year.  Don’t be one of them! How?  As the day grows closer, keep your focus on the real reason of what you’re celebrating.  If it’s Santa you anticipate, you’ll fulfill the secular season’s quota.  But if you want to thank God for the true meaning of Christmas, and for giving you His Son, then acknowledge Him and bring Him honor by “gift-wrapping” your life and presenting it to Him.  He already laid His on the tree for you.  That’s His gift to you: Salvation.

Merry Christmas!

God Bless!
