When Roman law meant a soldier could compel/persuade a Jew to carry his armor or load one mile, Jesus said, “Walk two” (Matthew 5:41).  “When someone sues you for your coat, give him also your cloak” (Matthew 5:40).  That was known as going the distance; going above, and beyond what was required by law.

Today, everyone tends to go the distance when needs arise. It’s something usually expected from good-natured people.

During Christmas time, it’s not uncommon to hear stories of officers or others in authority, as well as common people to come to the rescue to those in need.  Such events restore faith in humanity because kindness seems to be falling short lately.

In the eons of time, way-before mankind rebelled, God, already had a plan to restore him to full fellowship.  From God’s throne room in the third heaven, going past the starry heavens, and beyond the atmospheric heavens, God went beyond all barriers to fellowship with His creation. It wasn’t enough to simply hang around animals and created beings. He was able to speak face-to-face with His highest creation-man.  But He really went the distance when He placed Himself upon the cross for the sins of all humanity.  It wasn’t man’s hatred that placed Him there, and it wasn’t an accident, or, “Yikes, what have I done?” No, it was pure love that drove Him across time and space to pave the way to the Father so that all who want to live eternally, will receive His sacrifice.  That’s incomparable love.  There’s only one question: Will you go the distance to meet Him?  Don’t know where? Meet Him at the cross.  He waits for you there and will welcome you with head bowed and outstretched arms.

Merry Christmas!



Love some of the gifts you received?  Hate them?  Already broken? Received a gift that keeps on giving…you a headache?  Sometimes gifts are like a seltzer-they fizz a bit and then quickly dissipate. Their novelty wears out right away. The new car’s shine fades, and its tires wear out.  The house needs constant repairs, and new appliances are scheduled to fail a few days after the warranty expires. 

Our thirst is quenched for a few hours each day, but soon, even water won’t satisfy…unless, you drink from the fountain, not of youth, but of Living Waters.  Jesus said:     “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).

That’s water that will never run out!  Meaning, Jesus will quench your spiritual thirst and meet all your needs eternally!  Now, that’s a gift that keeps on giving!

When Adam & Eve were created by God, fashioned by His hand, not spoken into existence like the fish and creeping crawlers; but made in His image, He gave them the opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life to live forever.  Although they didn’t eat from it, you can!  Jesus said:                                                                          “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Accept His gift of Salvation now and you’ll receive eternal life too! Everyday you’ll enjoy walking with Him just as Adam & Eve did during their period of innocence before the fall (Genesis 3:8).  And, the best part of God’s gifts?  You’ll never have to return them (no long lines either)! They’ll always fit; customized just for you.  They won’t break.  They won’t give you a headache…and you’ll love them!




Ever been to one of those? You wanted to save a few bucks and you got elbowed, stepped on, cursed at-followed by a “Merry Christmas to you, too!”?   Perhaps, you were the one doing these things?!? Overall, you can get great bargains!

You don’t get too many deals in Puerto Rico on the day after Christmas.  One reason is, the workers get first dibs on everything before doors even open.  Additionally, our large box-store giant, just like other lesser-known hardware stores, are notorious for announcements like these:

Get yours today! Availability, 6 per store!  Oftentimes, the “available” items are the same old ones in the stores every day.  In other words, they’re not new, and some are repackaged returns that may not work, or have missing or broken parts.  Not to mention S-L-O-W service & S-U-P-E-R-L-O-N-G- L-I-N-E-S.

About 18 years ago my wife and I were at a now shut down chain store that has a 4’ tall old-timey Santa, which I liked at either $49. or at $99. It was probably December 24 and would go on sale Dec. 26 at 50% off.  We got there early that day to find it already gone. Reluctantly, we chose the next best thing: a 4’ tall Snowman.  When we went to pay, we saw it displayed at a cashier’s register.  So unfair! But you can’t complain, because managers backup their workers.  The customer is rarely ever right in PR.  It’s usually better to stay home unless you only want to look around.

God says, “Is anyone thirsty, come and drink-even if you have no money!  Come, take your choice of wine or milk-it’s all free” (Isaiah 55:1 NIV)!

There’s plenty at God’s table! Available in abundance to all! It’s limitless! No rations! It’s worth waiting for His rewards!

Merry Christmas!

Mr. Snowman


I had searched far and near

To find a gift for someone dear.

It needed a special touch,

Something unique, though not too much.

A lamp, a light, to lead the way

A lantern, a candle, a beam, a ray.

I found it, I found it! Something to treasure!

True friendship, trust, and love without measure!

Merry Christmas!!


“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; (Isaiah 9:2).  And for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned” (Matthew 4:16).

God sent The Light, Jesus, during our greatest need!


As the snow silently made its way down and covered the ground, a little boy and girl leaned their heads against the storefront window cupping both hands by their faces peeking in. To them, time stood still as they watched wind-up toys and stuffed animals in a snow-themed stage displaying the magic of Christmas.  Flurries swirl helplessly in the air landing on the window pane and on the kids’ coats.  What a treasured moment.

Let’s go inside! Let’s be young-at-heart again and step closer to our memories and thoughts.

Are you on the outside looking in? Are you trapped in the moment mesmerized watching the toy train on its endless loop through miniature trees, forests, underneath mountains of gifts heading back to the front?  Are you viewing daintily-dressed dolls, American/Radio Flyer red wagons pulling teddy-bears, and glancing at jars of candies in the distance? Do twinkling lights and flickering candles pull at your heart?  Do they engulf you in the sentiment of a small-town world of yesteryear?

Walking with Jesus is just like that. One feels like you’re within snow-covered window panes amongst the toys, the trains, the stuffed animals, enjoying the nostalgic moments.  Sure, trials are ever-present; but you’re within the shelter of God cocooned with His love.  

Those not in His service are as those on the outside looking in; not part of the moment.  As they walk away from the magical displays on the storefront windows, the snow covers their footprints, and erases the unforgettable experience.

Isn’t it time to move inside, to enjoy the fellowship, even if only with teddy bears and toys? As thrilling as peering through frosted glass and antique stores might be, there’s no major thrill than walking with God.  In fact, look in again and you can almost see Jesus sitting there holding out a teddy bear for you inviting you in.  Contrary to some, He cares about what matters to you.

Step inside

Merry Christmas!!


Sometimes Christmas meant no hot water.  Sometimes it meant no heat.  Other times, it meant freezing weather.  It meant being colder inside than outside.  And sometimes, Christmas meant a blizzard on top of “all the above.” 

One time, Christmas meant being all alone as I was abandoned by my mate.  While Christmas meant joy, happiness, and lively music to others, it meant sadness, hurtful words, hurt feelings, and confusion to me.  The twinkling lights faded.  During those times, there seemed nothing to be thankful for, but there was always something worth it all.

I had friends and family to help me through it. Slowly, my heart healed. Hot water returned, as did warmer weather.  Blizzards continued over the years, and snowball fights added to the excitement of feeling young again.  Twinkling lights were replaced by the Light of the world (Jesus) coming to my heart.  God’s comfort replaced restlessness and brought the peace Christmas gives. That was 46 years ago, and I’ve been walking with Him the last 44 years.  Healing does come; “I am the LORD that heals you” (Exodus 5:26).

No matter what your life is like, no matter whether you celebrate Christmas or not; and no matter what you believe or don’t, God is REAL.  His love is real because “God is love” (1John 4:7). Jesus is the real Christmas.  He is the “reason for the season.”

The Reason for the Season

And heat or no heat, His love and presence can warm your heart. So, is there room in the inn of your heart for Him to reside in tonight? Allow Him to move in for good!

Merry Christmas!

Fading Twinkling Lights



It was Christmas 1978 when, along with my roommate, Ray, we decided to put up his silver tree. A few days later, cousin June came by and stared at it for awhile, shook his head, and said something was wrong. Next day he again looked at it after getting down on his knees, and then exclaimed, “I knew it!” “I knew it!” “That tree is upside down!!” I checked it out, and he was right! All the branches pointed downward! I plucked them out, straightened out the tree, and reinserted the branches. I made sure the tip with the star pointed upwards.

This Christmas season, how’s your life? Is it upside-down and you haven’t noticed? It’s easy to overlook things. “There’s a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). You may have to get on your knees for a closer view, do some introspection and proclaim, “He’s right!” Do some plucking: remove things branching out in the wrong direction. Get rid of unwanted/unneeded issues in your life. Point it upward towards Jesus. He’ll turn your life around. “

The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath” (Proverbs 15:24). When our lives are right, lined up with God’s Word, we’re “like a tree firmly planted…[that] shall not cease from bearing fruit” (Jeremiah 17:8). Your life will not be a” little off” but right on track pointing others beyond the stars-upwards.
Merry Christmas!


People, the world-over are considered unworthy to be visited, to be reached, or deemed unacceptable in society. They’re rejected, untouched, unfit for many things. India, alone has some 200 million unfit citizens; incapable of ever advancing within their society.

Had Jesus come in His glory exuding riches, jewels, gold, diamonds, rubies, etc., He’d been approached by the rulers of the day; the hypocrites. They would have whisked Him away into their luxurious abodes. They would have set before Him their finest China, clothed Him with expensive clothing, served Him in golden cups, etc.

Having done that, how could He have reached the unreachable, the unloved, the untouchables? How could He love you and me? Hey, you might be rich, or well-off, but you still wouldn’t qualify to stand before Him. Why? Because it’s not in what we possess, but in what possesses us: sin. We’re under its control. Since man has always looked at the exterior of others, and makes his judgements based on what’s seen, he believes he judges correctly. The Religious people, were unaware that God sent His Son to cleanse mankind from sin within.

Jesus was birthed into poverty to reach the lowest in ranks and the well-off. His life-goal was to show us the way to the Father. Lepers were required to stay away from common people. In public, they needed to announce their presence so others could steer clear of them. When a leprous man stood before Jesus and dared ask for healing, Jesus did the unbelievable. Read it:
“When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

This man didn’t announce his presence! He felt confident before the King of the universe! He had faith in His power and authority. “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy” (Matthew 8:1-3).
Today, like thousands of years ago, Jesus reaches and touches the put-downs, the rejects, the unwanted, the unnoticed, the unimportant, and all the nobody’s of this world. And??? He makes all of us SOMEBODIES! “He has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever. Amen” (Revelation 1:6).

This Christmas be a somebody in Christ’s kingdom. Let your love and ways touch an unapproachable person.
This is yet another reason why true Christmas is so radical! Heaven will be replete with all the unrighteous people to have ever lived! We’ll be together with everyone else in His glorious kingdom!
“For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Merry Christmas!


Looking through windows of the past, let’s visit some Christmas memories.

Cold mornings involved cuddling up on a couch wrapped in blankets shielded from the blast of cold seeping through our single-paned windows and underneath our door. Normally, we had heat, though, not always was it high enough to heat up our tiny apartment.  But shelter from the elements was a picture in itself.                                                                                                      My parents made do with what they had.  In the early 1960s, Mom earned about $30/week while Pop earned about $45.  Our cozy apartment made us feel safe as we cuddled together. My parents and little brother gathered in the living room enjoying the twinkling lights on our small tree.

Typical music, Cocoa-Marsh for hot chocolate, (or Bosco, and then Ovaltine in the tall umber-colored jar with the orange cap or yellow; these ran .19-.29/jar), potato chips, cupcakes, and the scent of typical foods like pasteles, pernil, and arroz guisao con gandules, added a sense of homeyness-especially on Christmas Eve.

 Christmas morning brought glee and joy as we received long plastic candy canes filled with candies and goodies. Toys under the tree meant there’d be no breakfast for us due to the excitement. Instead, it was full-steam-ahead with the gifts.  There were big Gene Autry toy guitars, heavy duty cap guns (.59-.99) leather holsters, bluish Tommy-guns (machine guns at $1.99), grenades, Styrofoam building blocks (one came with Blippo, the construction builder); everyone in our family received pinball games in various sizes ranging in prices from .19 to .59 each.   We also received tin metal sparklers that created a buzz sound while displaying colorful sparks all around.  And one of my brother’s favorites, was a rubber knife.  He’d play Tarzan or Jungle Jim.  We even got the Jungle Jim kit once.  It came with a knife, a sheath, and the hat. Nels’, adventures took place throughout the house, but materialized best in the tub where he’d fight with his large yellow crocodile as they turned and turned in the water just like the real thing; fighting off the beast and living to talk about it before facing off another night (most likely, the next one)!

One thing about Christmas is that no matter where you are or how you celebrate it, it doesn’t take much to enjoy it. The most beautiful décor, are usually the simplest ones.  They’re the ones where love is the main ingredient; present in every corner. Growing up with little money or belongings wasn’t an issue.  Christmas was exciting because of what we did have.                                                              It can be the same for you.  Personally, I didn’t know about our savior, Jesus.  I don’t think I even knew about Santa early on.  But Christmas was special because we were home together.

 “Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith” (Proverbs 15:17).

The King of the Universe could have had an all-out call for His arrival, with trumpets blaring announcing His arrival, for an unforgettable welcome with golden pacifiers, silk diapers, diamond-crusted rattles, and the finest in treasures; but chose instead, the humblest birth; in a manger with no announcements, except by an angelic host, and that, to poor shepherds out in the fields, no less (Luke 2:8-14).

What are your memories? Were they similar to mine?  Were they of all tin toys, metal trucks, rag dolls, Sussie Bake Ovens, gingerbread houses? Don’t have any to fall back on? That’s sad, but fine.  Create new ones this year.  Don’t have family? You can adopt one, or be adopted into one for the season. Christmas, after all, is about love.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only beloved Son, that whosoever believes on him, should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Feast on your memories!  God’s presence is everywhere, and it’s all you need.  Allow Him to cuddle you.

Merry Christmas!


Every kid that celebrates Christmas is as anxious as can be the night before it approaches. The ambience contributes to it. Whether it’s the sweet smells of desserts, the food, the pine needles, or the vanilla/cinnamon scents that fill the air, there are myriad of messages sent to our brains that something important is being awaited.
Growing up, excitement could be felt everywhere. One could hear the clinging of the old heat pipes, along with the steam vapor rising up the sides of the radiators, sending us outside for a spell. Out in the cold, we’d see a different form of vapor: the cold air exiting our mouths every time we spoke and yelled with excitement about Christmas being just hours away. We’d play tag and freeze tag in an attempt to “kill time.” All-the-while praying that snow would fall. Sometimes, we got only flurries.
Then we’d go inside to watch some famous movie or Christmas show. We’d munch on chips, pretzels, cheese doodles, and maybe some cake as the hands on the clock just swung away. During commercials, we’d talk galore and play around counting minutes goodbye.
Before we knew it, Christmas was just a sleep away. We tried staying up as late as possible so that morning would come quickly. Soon, our sleepy eyes overtook us, and off we were to la-la land. Drifting in and out we’d go until sleep arrived for good.
Morning of Excitement was upon us! Perhaps, the streets were blanketed with snow like a white-powdered jelly donut. Snow softly landed on cars. Wind-gusts carried them away. Within our apartments, heat kept us warm. The chill-factor may have been high, but the warmth of Christmas quenched it all. The joy of gifts under the tree surpassed everything that may have been wrong with the world.
Maybe you’re a soul who has drifted from God; the cold hand of sin has grabbed ahold of you. The life which once was on fire for Him, is now frozen, blanketed in snow; robbed of the joy and excitement that once filled your life. But…A Morning of Excitement can be upon you! The death of Jesus upon the tree, surpasses every sin in your life. His death took your sins, shame, and pain away. The gift (of His life) upon that tree, is greater than any gift under any Christmas tree.
Once again, you can have a Christ-filled Christmas; one filled with all the excitement you once experienced as a child!
Merry Christmas!