Back in the late 70s-early 80s, my brother and I caught a few episodes of a TV comedian by the initials of B.H. In one sketch, he played both the husband and the wife. I’ll retell the script in my words and with made up names.
One day, his wife comes home with some news.
Wife: “You’ll never guess who I ran into today.” Husband: “Who might that be?” Wife: “I saw Joe Luxemburg; and my, what a hunk of a man!” Husband: “What does he have that I don’t?” Wife: “He’s got pearly, white teeth!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly white teeth! Wife: “And that gorgeous hair!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly, white teeth!” Wife: “He’s built like a model-that chest, made of stone!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly, white teeth!”
He knew he had little to go on, so he held on to what he did have! Sometimes, we act the same way. We don’t want to grow spiritually; we want to hold on to what little we possess. Jesus encountered the same thing on earth.
In His day, the religious leaders felt they had dibs on God. Afterall, He spoke directly to Moses and gave him the commandments. Now, they did have the law; but it wasn’t for them to keep it all to themselves, or to become snobbish, looking down on others. In essence, they became like teachers who stop learning because they feel they have reached the top. So, there was God, The Law-giver, in the flesh, speaking to them and they argued with Him that He didn’t know the law! They were speaking to the very Word that created the world telling Him He was a blasphemer! They were so off that Jesus told them: “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not” (John 8:44, 45). The Truth was confronting The Liar.
The Creator of the universe was in their midst, yet, they didn’t notice it. Why? Because they had pearly, white teeth. To them, it was enough to become a leader, it was enough to get into heaven. What about you? Feel like your “Pearly, white teeth” will get you through the Pearly White Gates? NEWS FLASH, NEWS FLASH!!! Jesus said, “Truly, truly, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). So, NO, our “Pearly, white teeth” (our merits) won’t get us through the pearly gates. This is why God doesn’t want religious people, but folks who will worship & have a relationship with Him. Or, better put: God is more interested in spiritual fruit than in religious nuts!
God Bless!