We’ve all tried to get ourselves or something cleaned, maybe even super-cleaned. This past summer, my daughter asked me to clean her white fence of rust stains. With the temps up in the high 90s-105 degrees, I took a can of Bubbles and Clorox wipes and began the rub down. Some stains came off with plenty of elbow grease, but the rest were stubborn like people I know! When I told my daughter of the results, she showed me a product she has. When I read “No Scrubbing” I snickered. I sprayed it on and moved to the other side. Upon returning, all the stains were magically gone!! I couldn’t believe it!
Scripture tells of a powerful man, captain of the host of the king of Syria. This captain, Naaman, was a might man of valor (2Kings 5). But he was leprous. Seems he was prideful too. Talk through the grapevine suggested he’d visit a prophet. So, when Mr. High and Mighty, pulled up in his limo with 10 talents of silver, 6,000 pieces of gold, and 10 pieces of clothing, he awaited a warm welcome. As the doors of his limo opened, and photographers snapped away, he said, “Please, please, make sure you get my best profile-you’ll sell more papers this way.” (Just kidding, he galloped there). He thought some hocus pocus eevie-jeevies would be chanted over him and he’d be made whole. Instead, the prophet Elisha didn’t even show his face but told him to go wash in the Jordan river 7 times! Naaman probably thought, “Do you know who I am?”
Our positions or status doesn’t matter to God. When he heard the river’s name, he was furious. There were other rivers (better & cleaner) he could go to.
His servant reasoned with him telling him that had he’d been asked to do something powerful or heroic, he would have. So, why not do something simple? Pride doesn’t allow room for humility. It can’t. That’s why Satan is not only in hell, but will be cast alive into the lake of Fire and Brimstones, as well. Don’t be fooled, his followers, too.
Naaman finally took a dive. It’s possible that with each dunk, some of the men around him may have quietly jeered as he may have surfaced each time with frogs, bugs, fish, seaweed, etc. upon his head and body. With each dunk, Naaman must have thought, “This better work, or I’m gonna kill someone!” After the 6th splash, however, he was ready for the final one. What would happen? Would he kill the messenger?
With each dive, he must’ve shed some pride and picked up some humility. Scripture says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6), and, “Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off” (Psalm 138:6).

Since he humbled himself and was obedient, after the 7th time, we’re told:
“And his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2Kings 5:14).
Nothing but the blood of Jesus on can remove the stain of sin, or leprosy. Scrub as you would, it won’t work
Will you take a dive today? Heck, will you take the plunge and go for it? The number seven happens to be God’s number of perfection. Don’t put it off or have Him warn you six times as you await the 7th; it might not come. Do it today. You’ll be super-clean, and humble, like a baby.
God bless,