The Unknown

I remember our math class in Junior High School 111 with Mr. R.  This was in the very early 1970s where “What’s Happening” and “What’s going on” were the greetings of the day. Every time we spoke, we’d say things such as, “It’s like this” or, “It’s like that but not exactly.” We really gave Mr. R. a hard time.  When solving for the unknown factors, and he’d call on us, some guys would say, “Well, it’s like…” He once told us, “FORGET LIKE! Tell me what it is!!” He was right; it was either a correct answer or an incorrect one.  Finding the unknown, was a mystery for some of us.

In life, the unknown remains.  Be assured, NO ONE knows what lies ahead for themselves or for anyone else.  The future is a huge unknown.  So much so, that people have gone mad trying to love for today in case tomorrow doesn’t come for them.  The unknown, yours and mine, are known to God.

When Israel journeyed to the Promised Land, it was unknown to them.  When God tried to step down and get closer to them, they backed away.  The Unknown God, intended to make Himself known to them in a more personal way, but they were afraid, and stepped back. They preferred remaining under the false security of the unknown than to meet Him and grow to know the God who knows everything.

 Do you know God, personally? Does He know you as friends know each other?  Call Him now! Just say, “God, Here I am! I repent of all my sins.  Take them away and wash me new!  Come into my heart and make me a new person, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

“And so, I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations.  Then they will know that I am the LORD” (Ezekiel 38:23).

As in solving an equation for the unknown, where what we do on one side, we have to do on the other; once we decide to make the Known God ours, we have to let others know Him too.

God Bless,
