We may watch a great movie or theater performance and feel glued to our seats, or stand shouting “BRAVO, BRAVO!!” but we should know there was a host of people helping along the way. Upon watching a movie, no one walks away thinking, “I wonder what doctor treated Mr. Red when he got hurt doing his stunts?” We don’t look into the extras or the units on hand making sure all was produced correctly. Nevertheless, the folk behind the scenes matter and play a part in each production.
In our world, we’re constantly pointing fingers at others because they’re Asians, Blacks, White, immigrants, etc. The core of all our issues isn’t race or nationality. It’s something taking place behind the scenes.
Satan, the devil, the deceiver, the liar, the Prince of the Power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) is behind every lie, murder, and crime against God.
Today, all our issues stem from him. But if we’re not on God’s side, we won’t recognize the Liar. We end up hitting walls directly ahead of us without realizing where real issues stem from.
So, how do we confront forces from behind the scenes? Through prayer and fasting. We rebuke them and bind them in the Name above all names: Jesus (Philippians 2:9). When we do this, a heavenly host of behind-the-scenes angels, dash out from God’s presence in our defense. Hence, why we give God all the glory for His help. It’s not us making things happen.
God Bless,