The Search for What’s Beyond

Ever search for tools, books, your cup EVERYWHERE, only to find it right near you? You back-track your steps, you examine evidence, you pull every file but nothing turns up. Then suddenly, there it is, where it’s always been!
Jesus spoke about a widow having ten pieces of silver and losing one, she searches for it diligently by lighting a candle and sweeping the house until finding it (John 15:8).
The world is always searching. It doesn’t matter if everything they search for points to God; they want to continue searching to disprove Him and His existence.
Even if life is found on another planet, they don’t want to know how God put it there. NO! They want to prove it evolved by on its own. THAT, is the Spirit of Antichrist! Anything that opposes Christ, is working for Satan.
Scripture says, “All things were made by him; and without him, was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).
Likewise, we need more of God in our lives. What does that even mean? It means we’re not satisfied with knowing about Him. We want to get more intimate with Him. We want to feel His presence in our lives. We want to spend time communing with Him. We want Him to reveal His ways and purposes to us. In a nutshell; we want to go deeper. That happens when we search more for Him. “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).
So, the widow searching for the lost coin, “afterwards, calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice with her” (Luke 15:9).
Jesus tells us, as He told the widow: “likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents” (Luke 15:10).
Are you searching for what’s beyond, as in a deeper relationship with God? No? May your findings bring you to Him anyway as it did with one man doggedly trying to disprove God’s existence. Read it or watch it (Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ)! In God’s bank, you’re worth more than that one LOST silver coin. Angels are waiting nearby with harps, trumpets, drums, cymbals, guitars, harps, banjos, etc. for your move. Your search will be over!
God Bless,