A Time

Days last forever when one is a child. You’re up, you’re out. You cry, eat, sleep, get up, and repeat-all in the same day, day in, day out. Then we grow and time seems to shrink. As The Guess Who sang,
“No time for a summer friend,
No time for the love we send,
Seasons change and so do I
You need not wonder why…
No time for a gentle rain,
No time for my watch and chain.”
Once, nimble, now no more. Once flexible, now all sore. Hair has changed, eye color too, a bit shorter, a bit wider, hear less, see less, and the changes continue.
God renews us daily. We’re changed into His glory. A new you is on the horizon. Soon, time will be no more. Huge changes are coming! Now, everything is temporal. Yesterday’s sales are gone. Tomorrow’s promises haven’t arrived. But soon, The Eternal God, The Everlasting Father, will dwell with us! Jesus is returning soon to establish His kingdom on earth! Millions won’t want Him around, and they need not worry because the feeling is mutual! He doesn’t force anyone to serve Him. So, He’ll rid the earth of them. God surrounds Himself with those who love Him. Those that despise Him will be removed. Those who love Him, will rejoice forevermore! Time will soon end. Time will be no more (Revelation 10:6)!
God Bless,