One day, an actress’ face is plastered everywhere showing off her beauty. One day, an actor is chosen as Man of the Year. A few years later, they might both be unrecognizable. Time, combined with the effects of sin, cause us to change dramatically.
One day, a child is so cute babbling away, and soon, they’re in school. Life is but a whisp. Everything that’s important now, will soon fade. Like an old foggy mirror reflecting ghostly images, that’s how we’re changing. Sharpness is gone. Clarity is on the way out.
We can panic at what we see, or, we can place our hope in Him. Soon, He will change us! Soon, we’ll be brand new! All our parts will function! No canes, no walkers, no hearing aids, no glasses, no pain, no aging-ever again! God is about to also change our skies; they will fold up like a garment, & roll away.
He said, “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5). “Behold, the old is gone; (2Corinthians 5:17) behold, the new has come.”
One day will become every day!
God Bless!