I’m pretty sure I mentioned this a few years ago, but it’s worth mentioning again. The events took place on a train from Manhattan to Brooklyn in the winter of 1984. I normally rode my bike to work each day. Now and then, due to excessive snow, I would have to take the train. That was the case on this day. Picture two guys in their late twenties yapping away.
So, Gil, it’s a miracle that you’re wearing gloves today” “You’ve never worn gloves in all your life” I said. “Yeah,” says Gil. “You wanna know why? It’s plain and simple: I couldn’t afford them, that’s why!” “But Gil, those are, like, $2 gloves,” I said. “Yep, actually, not even!” “They were $1.50.” “So, for all these years, you couldn’t afford a cheap pair of gloves?!” I asked. “Yeah, it has taken me years of saving up and scraping just to afford these!” “I can’t afford, like $6 gloves” he said. “See these muffs, I worked 6 months for these!” “Arent’ those like, .75?” I asked. “They are!” He affirmed. “They’re cheap, but they keep my ears toasty warm.” “You know what I need? I need a coat,” Gil continued. “But with the new raise, forget it!” “What’s the raise, like, two dollars per week?” “More like $2 per year” I said “If it took me years to get these cheap gloves, imagine how long for a coat!”
During the conversation, we had an audience; a young girl, probably in her late teens who was laughing hysterically! “You know what I’ll do, asked Gil, I’ll probably get me a scarf, yeah, that’s better. At least, I should be able to afford that for now!”

Living on a $2 monthly raise was somewhat of a joke. Yet, the guys at work were thrilled! I thought it was weekly, but not so!
Gill has always been a good laugh! That poor girl was rolling in her seat! But it was true that we could barely afford anything on our salary, considering we worked for a top-of-the-line upholstery company raking in millions yearly.
One day, God will give us a raise! Not your typical one; but an everlasting one! For starters, everything that’s owed us, He’ll restore because He’s Righteous and Just (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 89:14). But more than that, He’s promised to raise us to new heights!
“And this is my Father’s will and purpose, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40).
Believe in Jesus as your Savior today!
God Bless!