
In the mid-80s, I was either running after my three little ones (all under age 5), or running from them. Oftentimes, we played hide-and-go-seek. In our newly-built housing apartment, we had plenty of space to run and hide. Decades later, I still seek after my kids for relationship, but they’re generally busy.
Our first parents, Adam & Eve shared similar experiences. They may not have run after kids, but they did chase after God. Chase, in the sense that they pursued Him; they spent time with Him. When they weren’t running after Him, he was running after them.
A common practice was for God to walk through the Garden of Eden where he had placed them, and chat with them awhile. On a particular day, says scripture, “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou” (Gen 3:8,9)?
In a hide-and-go-seek fashion, Adam “…said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself” (Gen. 3:10). In a nutshell, though found, man continues to hide from God.
God continues searching through His “gardens” for His kids. He too misses those wonderful times together. As kids, most of us had a sense of God within us. In our innocence, we sought Him and talked to Him. Once older, or once problems came along, we ditched Him; we left Him calling out our names in the garden as we hid(e).
One of the thrills of playing with my kids was their shrills of glee when found and when finding me. Same thing with God. He gets excited when we make time to seek Him, as well as when He finds us. Run after Him! Allow yourself to get caught by Him!
God Bless,