Picture this: You’re a college student who after several weeks begins to tell others that it seems the professor isn’t really serious about grading your assignments. Another student asks you if you’re done with your resources and footnotes. Suddenly you realize it’s a good thing that you still have time, and you get to work on your missing info. After all, you want a good grade. In the end, the delay was a good thing.
This week I read a post from a man who really doesn’t know scripture and claimed that the apostle Paul died disappointed because Jesus didn’t return in his lifetime. He also shared that if Christ hasn’t returned in 2 centuries, He’ll likely not return at all. I compare that to something I once wrote before. When our little ones had to clean their rooms, we’d give them 15-30 mins to do so. On several occasions, I’d hear, “We’re ready” (from our daughter Milcah). Without going in, I’d ask, “Is everything under the bed out?” “Nothing behind the curtains?” “Give me 5 more mins” she’d say. Then, “Ready!”
People don’t realize that Jesus hasn’t returned allowing them time to get their “rooms ready.” It is out of His great love for us that He hasn’t come yet. When we hear that a volcano erupted suddenly, killing hundreds, we’re moved for them. When an earthquake rattles a city and people are buried underneath rubble, we sympathize with them and share in their pain and sorrow.
Now imagine when a mighty thunderclap is heard and the wrath of God is poured out undiluted, what do you think people will feel? People will sense (know) that God is in on it. At that moment, people will not stop to analyze if it’s only a warning or a joke. Nope, His coming is as sure as day turns to night.
“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9).
God’s saying, “Have you checked your closet floors?” “Have you looked under the bed?” “Have you cleaned your room?” “Have you made room in your heart for me?” Hopefully, you’ll answer, “Ready!”
God Bless!