Many of us have seen a huge decline in courtesy. Where once, “Thank You” was shared for holding open a door, it’s now a given by many. In short, people are finding less to be thankful about.  God’s Word instructs us to be thankful in all things, and in all situations-it’s God’s will (1Thessalonians 5:18). “You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fulness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

It’s not easy being thankful in tough situations, but it builds character.  Besides, God knows why He allows things to happen to us.  God’s Goodness is ever before us.  He expects us to choose wisely.  There’s a smorgasbord of goodies in God!

We can choose: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control (Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23).

If you don’t personally know God, start with choosing Him.  How? Pray-talk to God.  Invite Him into your heart. Then ask Him for His Goodness and His blessings to be poured over your life.  He will not fail you.  He will be with you through the trials and hardship.  You’ll not be alone.

Be thankful today.

God Bless,



Back in the late 70s-early 80s, my brother and I caught a few episodes of a TV comedian by the initials of B.H. In one sketch, he played both the husband and the wife. I’ll retell the script in my words and with made up names.
One day, his wife comes home with some news.
Wife: “You’ll never guess who I ran into today.” Husband: “Who might that be?” Wife: “I saw Joe Luxemburg; and my, what a hunk of a man!” Husband: “What does he have that I don’t?” Wife: “He’s got pearly, white teeth!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly white teeth! Wife: “And that gorgeous hair!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly, white teeth!” Wife: “He’s built like a model-that chest, made of stone!” Husband: “Well, I’ve got pearly, white teeth!”
He knew he had little to go on, so he held on to what he did have! Sometimes, we act the same way. We don’t want to grow spiritually; we want to hold on to what little we possess. Jesus encountered the same thing on earth.
In His day, the religious leaders felt they had dibs on God. Afterall, He spoke directly to Moses and gave him the commandments. Now, they did have the law; but it wasn’t for them to keep it all to themselves, or to become snobbish, looking down on others. In essence, they became like teachers who stop learning because they feel they have reached the top. So, there was God, The Law-giver, in the flesh, speaking to them and they argued with Him that He didn’t know the law! They were speaking to the very Word that created the world telling Him He was a blasphemer! They were so off that Jesus told them: “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not” (John 8:44, 45). The Truth was confronting The Liar.
The Creator of the universe was in their midst, yet, they didn’t notice it. Why? Because they had pearly, white teeth. To them, it was enough to become a leader, it was enough to get into heaven. What about you? Feel like your “Pearly, white teeth” will get you through the Pearly White Gates? NEWS FLASH, NEWS FLASH!!! Jesus said, “Truly, truly, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). So, NO, our “Pearly, white teeth” (our merits) won’t get us through the pearly gates. This is why God doesn’t want religious people, but folks who will worship & have a relationship with Him. Or, better put: God is more interested in spiritual fruit than in religious nuts!
God Bless!


We’ve all tried to get ourselves or something cleaned, maybe even super-cleaned. This past summer, my daughter asked me to clean her white fence of rust stains. With the temps up in the high 90s-105 degrees, I took a can of Bubbles and Clorox wipes and began the rub down. Some stains came off with plenty of elbow grease, but the rest were stubborn like people I know! When I told my daughter of the results, she showed me a product she has. When I read “No Scrubbing” I snickered. I sprayed it on and moved to the other side. Upon returning, all the stains were magically gone!! I couldn’t believe it!
Scripture tells of a powerful man, captain of the host of the king of Syria. This captain, Naaman, was a might man of valor (2Kings 5). But he was leprous. Seems he was prideful too. Talk through the grapevine suggested he’d visit a prophet. So, when Mr. High and Mighty, pulled up in his limo with 10 talents of silver, 6,000 pieces of gold, and 10 pieces of clothing, he awaited a warm welcome. As the doors of his limo opened, and photographers snapped away, he said, “Please, please, make sure you get my best profile-you’ll sell more papers this way.” (Just kidding, he galloped there). He thought some hocus pocus eevie-jeevies would be chanted over him and he’d be made whole. Instead, the prophet Elisha didn’t even show his face but told him to go wash in the Jordan river 7 times! Naaman probably thought, “Do you know who I am?”
Our positions or status doesn’t matter to God. When he heard the river’s name, he was furious. There were other rivers (better & cleaner) he could go to.
His servant reasoned with him telling him that had he’d been asked to do something powerful or heroic, he would have. So, why not do something simple? Pride doesn’t allow room for humility. It can’t. That’s why Satan is not only in hell, but will be cast alive into the lake of Fire and Brimstones, as well. Don’t be fooled, his followers, too.
Naaman finally took a dive. It’s possible that with each dunk, some of the men around him may have quietly jeered as he may have surfaced each time with frogs, bugs, fish, seaweed, etc. upon his head and body. With each dunk, Naaman must have thought, “This better work, or I’m gonna kill someone!” After the 6th splash, however, he was ready for the final one. What would happen? Would he kill the messenger?
With each dive, he must’ve shed some pride and picked up some humility. Scripture says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6), and, “Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off” (Psalm 138:6).

Since he humbled himself and was obedient, after the 7th time, we’re told:
“And his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2Kings 5:14).
Nothing but the blood of Jesus on can remove the stain of sin, or leprosy. Scrub as you would, it won’t work
Will you take a dive today? Heck, will you take the plunge and go for it? The number seven happens to be God’s number of perfection. Don’t put it off or have Him warn you six times as you await the 7th; it might not come. Do it today. You’ll be super-clean, and humble, like a baby.
God bless,


We may watch a great movie or theater performance and feel glued to our seats, or stand shouting “BRAVO, BRAVO!!” but we should know there was a host of people helping along the way. Upon watching a movie, no one walks away thinking, “I wonder what doctor treated Mr. Red when he got hurt doing his stunts?” We don’t look into the extras or the units on hand making sure all was produced correctly. Nevertheless, the folk behind the scenes matter and play a part in each production.
In our world, we’re constantly pointing fingers at others because they’re Asians, Blacks, White, immigrants, etc. The core of all our issues isn’t race or nationality. It’s something taking place behind the scenes.
Satan, the devil, the deceiver, the liar, the Prince of the Power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) is behind every lie, murder, and crime against God.
Today, all our issues stem from him. But if we’re not on God’s side, we won’t recognize the Liar. We end up hitting walls directly ahead of us without realizing where real issues stem from.
So, how do we confront forces from behind the scenes? Through prayer and fasting. We rebuke them and bind them in the Name above all names: Jesus (Philippians 2:9). When we do this, a heavenly host of behind-the-scenes angels, dash out from God’s presence in our defense. Hence, why we give God all the glory for His help. It’s not us making things happen.
God Bless,

The Unknown

I remember our math class in Junior High School 111 with Mr. R.  This was in the very early 1970s where “What’s Happening” and “What’s going on” were the greetings of the day. Every time we spoke, we’d say things such as, “It’s like this” or, “It’s like that but not exactly.” We really gave Mr. R. a hard time.  When solving for the unknown factors, and he’d call on us, some guys would say, “Well, it’s like…” He once told us, “FORGET LIKE! Tell me what it is!!” He was right; it was either a correct answer or an incorrect one.  Finding the unknown, was a mystery for some of us.

In life, the unknown remains.  Be assured, NO ONE knows what lies ahead for themselves or for anyone else.  The future is a huge unknown.  So much so, that people have gone mad trying to love for today in case tomorrow doesn’t come for them.  The unknown, yours and mine, are known to God.

When Israel journeyed to the Promised Land, it was unknown to them.  When God tried to step down and get closer to them, they backed away.  The Unknown God, intended to make Himself known to them in a more personal way, but they were afraid, and stepped back. They preferred remaining under the false security of the unknown than to meet Him and grow to know the God who knows everything.

 Do you know God, personally? Does He know you as friends know each other?  Call Him now! Just say, “God, Here I am! I repent of all my sins.  Take them away and wash me new!  Come into my heart and make me a new person, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

“And so, I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations.  Then they will know that I am the LORD” (Ezekiel 38:23).

As in solving an equation for the unknown, where what we do on one side, we have to do on the other; once we decide to make the Known God ours, we have to let others know Him too.

God Bless,


The Search for What’s Beyond

Ever search for tools, books, your cup EVERYWHERE, only to find it right near you? You back-track your steps, you examine evidence, you pull every file but nothing turns up. Then suddenly, there it is, where it’s always been!
Jesus spoke about a widow having ten pieces of silver and losing one, she searches for it diligently by lighting a candle and sweeping the house until finding it (John 15:8).
The world is always searching. It doesn’t matter if everything they search for points to God; they want to continue searching to disprove Him and His existence.
Even if life is found on another planet, they don’t want to know how God put it there. NO! They want to prove it evolved by on its own. THAT, is the Spirit of Antichrist! Anything that opposes Christ, is working for Satan.
Scripture says, “All things were made by him; and without him, was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).
Likewise, we need more of God in our lives. What does that even mean? It means we’re not satisfied with knowing about Him. We want to get more intimate with Him. We want to feel His presence in our lives. We want to spend time communing with Him. We want Him to reveal His ways and purposes to us. In a nutshell; we want to go deeper. That happens when we search more for Him. “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).
So, the widow searching for the lost coin, “afterwards, calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice with her” (Luke 15:9).
Jesus tells us, as He told the widow: “likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents” (Luke 15:10).
Are you searching for what’s beyond, as in a deeper relationship with God? No? May your findings bring you to Him anyway as it did with one man doggedly trying to disprove God’s existence. Read it or watch it (Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ)! In God’s bank, you’re worth more than that one LOST silver coin. Angels are waiting nearby with harps, trumpets, drums, cymbals, guitars, harps, banjos, etc. for your move. Your search will be over!
God Bless,

A Time

Days last forever when one is a child. You’re up, you’re out. You cry, eat, sleep, get up, and repeat-all in the same day, day in, day out. Then we grow and time seems to shrink. As The Guess Who sang,
“No time for a summer friend,
No time for the love we send,
Seasons change and so do I
You need not wonder why…
No time for a gentle rain,
No time for my watch and chain.”
Once, nimble, now no more. Once flexible, now all sore. Hair has changed, eye color too, a bit shorter, a bit wider, hear less, see less, and the changes continue.
God renews us daily. We’re changed into His glory. A new you is on the horizon. Soon, time will be no more. Huge changes are coming! Now, everything is temporal. Yesterday’s sales are gone. Tomorrow’s promises haven’t arrived. But soon, The Eternal God, The Everlasting Father, will dwell with us! Jesus is returning soon to establish His kingdom on earth! Millions won’t want Him around, and they need not worry because the feeling is mutual! He doesn’t force anyone to serve Him. So, He’ll rid the earth of them. God surrounds Himself with those who love Him. Those that despise Him will be removed. Those who love Him, will rejoice forevermore! Time will soon end. Time will be no more (Revelation 10:6)!
God Bless,


I don’t know about you, but had I written Psalm 40, it would say, “I waited impatiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”
I inherited my impatience from my parents. My dad would sometimes call one of my four older brothers (though there were 5) and invite them over for various reasons, and then he’d head to the window to watch for their arrival-as soon as he hung up. They usually arrived 2-3 hours later.
But my dad wasn’t the only desperate person around. My wife-to-be’s grandad was the same way. In fact, for our wedding, although I arrived early, she was already there! He lived under, “Time’s a wasting” and “We’re burning sunlight.” So, living about a full 7 minutes from the church, he giddy-upped in his car and drove her there in 2 mins time!
As I’ve written before, the wedding procession was so fast, that she had taken refuge in an office on the altar behind thick curtains, where no one could see her. After the bridesmaids walked the aisle, as people stared back to see her walking down the aisle, she instead just stepped down and took her place beside me. One could hear people saying, “When did she go by, I didn’t even see her!” Made for a fast wedding!
She and I laughed when on a Sunday, before heading to church, as we waited for our son to get up, his youngest son (4 at the time) told us, “Let’s go already!” We said we needed to wait for his dad. His response was, “Just leave him!”
This morning, as on other occasions, my mom called me at 7:29 so I could again contact the church bus driver to go pick her up because it was already ALMOST 7:30 and he wasn’t yet there!
Scripture tells us about the patience of Job (rhymes with lobe). He lost all ten of his children at once, and his cattle, got sores over his body, and a host of things he endured, yet, “In all this, Job did not sin by blaming God” (Job 1:22 NIV).
So, if you’re like me, you need to lean on Jesus’ goodness for help with your patience. But, whatever you do, don’t ask for patience! That would include a ton of trials to test you! Better to stick with King David’s words: “I waited patiently on the LORD…Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD, let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me” (Psalm 40:1a,11).
God Bless,


One day, an actress’ face is plastered everywhere showing off her beauty. One day, an actor is chosen as Man of the Year. A few years later, they might both be unrecognizable. Time, combined with the effects of sin, cause us to change dramatically.
One day, a child is so cute babbling away, and soon, they’re in school. Life is but a whisp. Everything that’s important now, will soon fade. Like an old foggy mirror reflecting ghostly images, that’s how we’re changing. Sharpness is gone. Clarity is on the way out.
We can panic at what we see, or, we can place our hope in Him. Soon, He will change us! Soon, we’ll be brand new! All our parts will function! No canes, no walkers, no hearing aids, no glasses, no pain, no aging-ever again! God is about to also change our skies; they will fold up like a garment, & roll away.
He said, “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev. 21:5). “Behold, the old is gone; (2Corinthians 5:17) behold, the new has come.”
One day will become every day!
God Bless!


Ever gotten lost going from one place to another? I have! I’ve gotten lost just about everywhere. I’ve gotten lost just sitting in front of my TV set. Here’s how that one works. Several times in my life, not being a TV person, I’ve walked by the living room on my way elsewhere and caught a glimpse of some movie my wife was watching. Maybe it was a romance. Somewhere along the way, I’ve finally sat down to watch the “So predictable” movies she watches. Like, girl moves back home after 16 years to run the family business. Of all people there, she’s to meet up with the plumber, mayor, vet, etc. and he turns out to be her former fiancé. The one who dumped her at the altar.
So, I sit and time goes by and the characters are nowhere to be found. The romance movie is now a mystery one. After a while, I realize not only has the plot and characters changed, but the channel too!
God doesn’t want us lost-not even in our living rooms! He says: “The LORD is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patience towards you, not wishing for any to perish (get lost), but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
And, should you get, or be lost, that is, if you haven’t found the road to Jesus yet, God left you a roadmap; His WORD! Read it!
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
God Bless!