Two days ago, Brooklyn, New York was inundated with tons of rain. JFK Airport received some 8-10” in one day breaking a 1948 record. Streets looked like rivers and subways as waterfalls as water poured over the staircases. Cars became stuck and some may have drifted away with the currents. Water can cause lots of damages.
Imagine Genesis’ universal flood where water fell nonstop over a month. There are numerous books (based on scriptures) that cover the subject in detail. According to some Christian scientists, here’s what happened in a nutshell.
Man lived in a dry environment where it had never rained. Gardens were tended from mists of water coming up through the ground (Gen. 2:5,6). God calls Noah and his family to build an ark (not to be confused with the Ark of the Covenant). Noah and his crew build an enormous ark during a period of between 105-120 years (Gen. 5:32; 7:11). Sadly, not one of over 2 billion people alive then, believed rain would fall, and therefore, chose to perish.
Besides rain falling for 40 days and 40 nights, the fountains of the deep (Gen.7:11) were broken and the windows of heaven broken providing additional water. Plus, it is believed that a vapor canopy surrounded the earth like a huge donut. Bursting, it poured tons of water. Additionally, volcanoes may have erupted creating what’s known as new water. Since God’s purpose was to destroy the earth, these events are plausible. But what really caused severe destruction, according to the experts, is what’s not clearly stated in English in our Bibles. The eruptions of volcanoes, the upheaval push of the fountains of the deep, the downpours from the canopy, combined with waterfalls of 40 days and 40 nights, caused the earth to rock back and forth within like a carried aquarium with 6” of water transported from one end of a room to another (voiding all warranties), and creating left to right waves uprooting your plants and other decorations, as well as breaking the glass. Once in motion, the waves cannot be stopped unless the aquarium is set down to settle. And so, during the flood, the continual motions added to the overall destruction of life and the land. The water prevailed and increased. They prevailed exceedingly (Gen.7:17-20, 24) meaning motion in the waves occurred.
Mankind carried on with their lives (rejecting Noah’s words, and possibly mocking him) right up to the time he entered the ark (Luke 17:26, 27) and God shut the door (Genesis 7:16). Rest assured, life changed afterwards, and everyone perished.
God has promised to never again destroy us with a flood; His rainbows in the sky confirms that (Gen.9:11-17). Destruction will next be with fire (2Peter 3:7). As in Noah’s day, life continues as though God will never return. The ark had one entrance door and God shut it when destruction came. Likewise, thousands of years later, Jesus said, “I am the door: by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved” (John 10:9a).
As the “floods” of adversity creep up, will you laugh and post your mockeries for the world to see?
The Door, will soon shut, plunging humanity into chaos. If grab and go thugs are rampant now, just wait until millions of people get raptured, their properties go up for grabs, the government declares our disappearance an alien event; and ISIS takes over… Actually, DON’T WAIT! Enter NOW through Jesus, the Door! He’s our ark. Allow His life to flood yours.
God Bless,