What’s in your Purse?

They say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aide.” I think in heaven my wife and I will get a good cash crop for all the lemon-aide we’ve produced here on our property! But I guess rainwater isn’t enough for some people (we get tons of rain). Yesterday as my wife went through her purse, she discovered a napkin from a previous visit to a restaurant a week ago. To her dismay, therein were two slices of lemons! I guess she wanted to make sure not to run out of lemon-aide!
I once read that flies were gathered in a jar and covered with a cap punctured with tiny holes for ventilation. After some time, the cap was removed and the flies continued flying in their same pattern unaware they could fly away.
Some people are like that. They’re so used to “flying” around in their everyday lives, oftentimes imprisoned by thoughts, situations, addictions, bad habits, or bad company, that even when they’re free, they continue down the same entangling paths. It seems, they’re carrying stale lemons, should their “rain” run dry. Many are unaware that long ago Jesus removed the “sin cap” twisted tightly around the “jar” they’re living within, and set them free through His death.
“But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code” (Romans 7:6).
Hopefully, within your purse you’ll find not lemons, but God’s liberating Word, the Bible.
God Bless!