To The Rescue

The world has been glued to the news events concerning the Sub wherein five tourists descended the ocean’s bottom to see the Titanic. Tragically, as of this writing they have less than two hours of oxygen remaining for survival. Rescue missions have been scattering with the latest technologies in last-minute efforts to reach the ill-fated vessel and rescue those on board. Of main concern is the fact that they are approximately 13,000’ deep, where no one has gone before. By God’s grace, they’ll be reached on time.
Thousands are praying and hoping those on board can be rescued in time. This tragic and edge-of-the-seat event is strikingly similar to everyday life. Humanity has plunged itself to the depths of sin and darkness. Its air supply is extremely limited. After numerous attempts by God to rescue “those on board,” God, having sent prophets, teachers, kings, etc. to no avail, decided to join the rescue Himself. He took the form of man, Jesus, to descend the longest journey ever-from the third heaven to earth, leaving behind His glory, riches, honor, and never-before-separation from the Father, to rescue us. God is our air-supply. Our source for living.
UPDATE: We now know no one on board the sub survived, how tragic. An unexpected and unforeseen implosion took them all away. Our deepest consolations to the families involved.
But what if they had survived? There would be unhinged celebrations across the globe. That’s how it is with us when we get rescued by God! Each day hosts of angels are on the edge-of-their-seats watching rescues take place. They know there’s a countdown on our lives, only we don’t know it. Unbeknownst to us, unforeseen implosions/destructions await us at every turn. When rescued, angels cheer and celebrate each time one lost soul gets rescued! It’s not too late! Don’t give up-help is on the way! God hears your cry and knows your sorrows. He’ll save you. ” Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13 NIV).
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13NIV).
God Bless!