Spanking New!

I’ve been working with our 79 yr. old friend, Toño, on our cement deck. He shared with my wife and me his experience as a brand-new carpenter, many years ago. The day before applying for a carpentry job, Toño, bought some tools such as a hammer, a saw, a pair of pliers, and a square. He told us, “When the boss saw me, he looked me over. Up and down, he eyed me.” “He asked me, you say you’re a carpenter? “Yes sir, I is,” shared Toño. “Then, why are your tools so clean?” “Why, is your hammer untouched?” “Why, does your saw look so shiny?” We laughed. Toño told us, “Everything I had was new-even the tool box!” I told him, “Your shirt was stiff and still had the cardboard within; I bet the price tag and size stickers were on your pants, as well!” “The boss saw I had no experience, at least, not with those tools,” Toño told us! Nonetheless, he was able to prove himself a great carpenter within a few hours and was hired on the spot!
Sometimes, when something’s new, we don’t want to touch or scuff it. We want to keep it shiny. “Get ya hands off,” we bark! We know a church brother, who, probably intending to make a statement at a church wedding, showed up in a brand-new suit. Had the price tag, size, and info stickers dangling from the sleeves! I think the hanger was intact too-sticking up the back of his neck! It was embarrassing for him! Funny to us!
It feels great when we have new garments on as in our favorite clothing item. Same thing happens when you give your life over to Jesus! When God looks at us, He sees the “tags” if you will, of Jesus’ redemption on our lives. He sees a shiny, new, YOU! He welcomes you into the family! You’ll see things in a different light. Even your thoughts and vocabulary changes. When others see you, they too see the new price tags on you. They’ll know you’re spanking new. You’ll be a new creation! Your “tools” will be new! You’ll be the son of The Carpenter (Jesus)!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come” (2Corinthians 5:17).
God Bless!