For Mothers and Families

Heavenly Father, I lift up before your throne room all moms on this day. I ask a special blessing for those moms who have followed your pattern of loving others. Thank you for their endeavors.
Father, I ask that you comfort those moms who have lost their loved ones, be it kids, siblings, or their husbands. Comfort their hearts during this time of reminiscing. Heal their hurting and aching hearts. Hug them. May they feel your presence during this moment and throughout every day.
Lord, comfort the hearts of those that today find themselves without their moms. Not having them around is saddening. Nothing or no one can fill the space that only moms occupy.
Fill the void in hearts wishing they could have had one more day with them.
Lord, help those moms struggling today with life’s ups and downs. Provide for them according to your riches in glory, and put them on the right track, if need be.
For those of us still having our moms around, may we cherish, and honor them each day.
Thank you, Father, for your wonderful plan of creating moms; not just women to bear kids, but women with hearts, feelings, tenderness, intuition, and God-seeking abilities for strength, decision-making, and to love as only You do.
Be with those whose moms may have fallen short of your definition of a good mother. Help them try to understand what their lives may have been like, and most importantly, help them forgive, move on, and be as loving as you have shown us to be.
Thank you, Lord for all moms do for this world!
“Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12).
Happy Mother’s Day!