The Road

So many roads to choose from. Smooth, bumpy, rocky, potholed, winding roads, stretches; never-ending, desolate, scenic, going nowhere, leading towards destinations.
Things happen on roads. Accidents. We trip and fall. We bleed. We find acquaintances. Find love, have hearts broken. Fail, succeed. Lose our way; find our way home.
We’re all on roads. Some may be trails, but we’re walking somewhere on a continued journey.
John Lennon sang, The Long and Winding Road has led me to your door. Willie Nelson sang, On the Road Again.
In 1969 The Moments, sang, Love on a Two-Way Street, (S. Robinson, Lezli Valentine and B. Keyes). The song shares how love was found, but lost on a lonely highway.
The Chi-Lites sang: “Oh, I see her face.. On the street… Have you seen her?”

And Robert Frost wrote The Road Not Taken sharing experiences on the road less traveled. What road are you on these days? Looking for that loved one? Where do you find yourself? Are you starting out, or midway to who knows where? Almost done? Lost? Still searching? Asking the tough questions? Have all the answers? Found what you were seeking along the way?
All roads leading to the Truth, lead to Calvary; to where Jesus was crucified. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). We can only meet Him on the road to death; His and yours. It’s where He died, and where we need to die to wants. The only way to live for Christ is by dying to self. See why thousands of other religions are so popular? They don’t ask you to die. They tell you to live to the fullest. Jesus calls us to walk the blood-soaked road He walked. He asks us to deny our desires, to carry our cross, and to follow Him (Matthew 16:24-26); “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it.”

Yes, many roads vie for our attention, but only the road to Calvary leads us to God. It’s the only road to death and to eternal life. Walk the rocky bumpy road. Go on, sing instead, “Have You Seen Him?” Find Jesus there. It is the one less traveled. It is the one less appealing. It’s where your (physical) heart may be broken, but where you’ll find everlasting love (spiritually). It’s the road God wants you on. Jesus is the door (John 10:9 NIV), “If any man enters by me, he will be saved…” You will find Him with open arms welcoming you home. Stop searching! Stop tripping and falling! He’s already bled for you but WON the battle! He secured your salvation! Your name’s written in heaven! Follow the road to your eternal home!
God Bless!