A Mom

I birthed you. I nursed you.
I carried you. I held your hand.
I fed you and dried your tears.
I dressed you and combed your hair.
I listened to you. I heard your secrets.
I stood by you when you were afraid.
I calmed your fears.
I laughed with you and danced with you.
We cried during movies and held each other close.
I admired your works of art and words of love.
Through the tough times, I was at your side.
You’re grown. I’m old.
You’re my help, you hold my hand.
You calm my fears, you know my tears.
I’m sometimes afraid of times to come,
But you’re there by my side.
Thank you for being the son/daughter I’ve always wanted.
I love you Mom. I love you child.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
*Read Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you” (Isaiah 66:13a).
God Bless!
Happy Mother’s Day to all!
God’s comfort to all,