
    Three years ago, I had my first cavity ever. It cost me a molar.  It so happens that in early March, 2020, I needed the tooth pulled, but lock-down kicked- in and I was unable to get it done until June. . 

Last week, April 28, I had two molars extracted-on opposite sides, top & bottom. The bottom one came out quickly, but the other one was tough. The dentist pulled and pulled. Finally, he left it for a bit, worked on the bottom one, yanked it out and went back to the stubborn one. I could feel my body moving, then the chair was shaking! When he asked for the big guns, I knew I was in trouble! I was then strapped down like Frankenstein, and managed to glimpse electrical current flashes flowing over my head. I tried in vain to get out of the chair, but from pressure-pliers, to a grinder, and just shy of a jack hammer, I knew I was in for it! In the end, I realized it was nothing gauze and duct tape couldn’t fix!
I was driving home with rolled-up gauze sticking out both sides of my mouth! I felt like a walrus. Every fifteen minutes I’d remove them, and my wife would give me new ones. Definitely an experience worth writing about.
Yep, every now and then, God likes to shake things up in our lives, lest we get too comfortable. He pulls at our hearts (maybe even our molars?). He tends to yank things that aren’t beneficial to us, especially those stubborn, deeply-rooted ones. God is for us! But don’t wait for Him to pull out the big guns! Yield to Him now! Spare yourself the pain! Trust me, duct tape won’t cut it!
In the near-future, however, He’ll be shaking things up in this world, in a bad way. Think, yanking and shaking. People will be shaking in their boots when they see it.
“Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth, but also the [starry] heavens” (Hebrews 12:26 AMPC).
It’s best to get those pain-y sins yanked out NOW. Bear the pain!
God Bless,