Let’s Make a Deal!

In the 60s, I remember watching, Let’s Make a Deal!  Monty Hall would go up and down stairs and aisles and offer people money if they had a cow, a frog, a $2 Bill, etc. on them.  Amazingly, women, in particular, had all kinds of things in their purses!  Glad my wife uses a small purse, although, when I ask her for something and she says it’s in the front pocket, I’ve learned to give her the entire bag and allow her the joys of an expedition. Turns out, the front pocket might be on one side of the purse, while there happens to be another front pocket on the other side…or within that one.  I’ve sometimes heard, “Huh, how did that get there”, or, “there you are!”

Overall, Let’s Make a Deal had two contestants competing for a top prize. One of three doors might contain it, or, one could trade a prize for what’s behind the curtain.  Sometimes, you struck it rich, other times, you went home with a cow, a pig, or cans of food.

God asks us to choose between things, too: Choose the World and its desires; choose Him, and get eternal life thrown in; or choose to serve ourselves.

Choosing the World results in death (For the wages of sin, is death-Romans 6:23).

Choosing God entails, the cross, and Christ.

Jesus bids us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Following Christ, the Messiah, means taking up our cross.  It also means we’ll suffer (as if wearing a crown of thorns).  It’s the price Jesus paid for our eternal life.

But we can get what’s behind the curtain! When Christ died, He tore the temple curtain, that is, the veil separating the Holy room from the Holy of Hollies (Matt. 27:51). Christ’s death gave us direct access to God, the Father. You can now talk to God from anywhere in the world!  Prior to His death, no one but the high priest could enter the Holy of Hollies, once a year, to speak to God (on the day Jesus died for us!) So, choosing curtains is the way to go!

One day, we’ll be trading our cross, our sufferings, our trials, and our mourning, for an incorruptible crown! There’ll be other crowns as well!

Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead. We, too, must die to ourselves. That means to our wants and desires.  Just as He rose from the dead, we, too, will be “quickened!” He shall raise us up to heaven (1Thessalonians 4:16,17)!  So, Let’s make a deal! You can’t lose regardless of the door or curtain you choose!

“And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 22:12).

“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy ad my burden is light” (Matt.11:28-30NIV).

Give Him your heart today! You’ll be able to say, “I rose from my grave on the day Jesus rose from His!”

Happy Easter,
