
Back in 1970, Clarence Carter released the song, Patches. It details the hardships of a young Alabama boy on the family farm. One line says, “…I thought I was carrying the weight of the Whole world on my shoulders.” That’s how it sometimes feels for a lot of people.  In Greek mythology, Atlas, is depicted as a strongman carrying the world on his shoulders. But, that’s mythology.  Samson, however, a real person, in order to escape the trap of the Philistines, got up around midnight and carried the gates of the town up a hill on his shoulders (Judges 16:3).

Ever feel like you’re carrying excess baggage?  Maybe you’re carrying the weight of others. These things weigh us down.  During my junior and senior high school years, I had gained 14 pounds.  My track coach got on my case.  He said, “Sam, that’s like running with a 14 lb. knapsack on your back.” That’s what it’s like when we’re carrying sin-baggage. It’s unnecessary.

And so, it was for Jesus.  No, He didn’t run track.  He didn’t carry off the gates of Gaza, and He wasn’t a mythical figure holding up the world, though, he did create it (Colossians 1:16,17).  But, people wonder, “What’s the big deal with one man dying on the cross?”  “I mean, two others were crucified with Him, right?” “And, others were regularly punished through this means, right?” That’s correct.  But only Jesus who was 100% God and 100% man could die for mankind and take away the sins of the world upon His shoulders.  Only He could offer the perfect sacrifice demanded by God, the Father to satisfy the penalty for sin.  You and I deserve to die on a cross for our sins.  But doing so, won’t remove our sins because we’re not a perfect sacrifice, because we’re born into sin. Before Jesus’ birth, God required the Israelites to offer daily animal sacrifices for their sins with a perfect lamb. Those offerings only temporal-they did their job, but the memory of the sins, remained. 

Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God John (1:36) did it all for us! On the cross He took our place! He carried the weight of the world upon Himself. There is then, no more remembrance of your sins, EVER! Not to mention, no more baggage!

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:12).

God gave Him the seal of approval for His sacrificial death.  Though not yet born, you and I were on His mind that day. Picture Jesus saying, “I’m doing this for Roger, for Debra, for Suzette, etc.”  You and I weighed heavily on His mind and on His purpose.  He lived to die for us. Accept His sacrifice today. You’ll never forget the meaning of Good Friday.  One could say, “Jesus patched things up with God on our behalf.”

God Bless.
