Throughout history people have done marvelous things from inventions, to creations, to somewhat outrageous performances. Some, have even made wild claims. From being psychic, to seeing into the future. People have been known to walk thousands of miles through all types of weather to reach a set destination. From scaling buildings to mountains, humans have accomplished amazing feats we can all read about and sometimes watch.

The Son of God set out on the longest journey ever-from heaven to earth to live among His creation. Performing miracles and healings, He reached out to everyone in need. After praises, adulations, and much appreciation from those whose lives He touched, He was condemned to death. Unlike those saintly-painted pictures, Jesus was beaten beyond recognition.  His face, disfigured; His facial hair, plucked, slapped, whipped, stripped naked, punched (Isaiah 50:6), crowned with thorns, and humiliated before being crucified; He was abused beyond understanding.

“But many were amazed when they saw him.  His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man” (Isaiah 52:14 NLT).

Jesus, God in the flesh, was free of sin. He didn’t deserve any of the things done to Him.  But he endured them for us; because we deserved all the punishments.  It was inconceivable. But he couldn’t live without you. Did it all for you so you could be declared free of sin and be ready to move into His heavenly home.

But before the cross Jesus had just had a time of fellowship with His beloved disciples.  They were all there with Him and for Him.  Towards this tumultuous moment, he was ultimately, deserted and denied by them.  But then, Jesus did something mind-boggling. Unlike me, He didn’t scold them for hurting His feelings.  He didn’t get on their cases because they abandoned Him when He most-needed them.  After His resurrection, He didn’t say, “Just wait until I show up at their homes.” Or, “Oh, they’re gonna hear it now.” Nope. Instead, He loved them!  On the cross, He asked the Father to forgive them and His tormentors as well. He loved us beyond reason.  Want to meet Him? He’s waiting for you at the cross.  That’s where the crossroads of our lives crisscross.  It’s where our life intersects His. At the cross He bids us to come die to ourselves and live for Him. There, He shows you how much He suffered for you and how much He loves you.  Confess your sins and they’ll be forgiven by Him.  Take Him at His word.  Live for Him and your name will be written in heaven.  You’ll understand why He had to suffer beyond comprehension.

God Bless,

Happy Holy Week!