Kisses of Deception and Betrayal

I once fooled our school kids and staff! It was the end of the school year around 2005. My wife was on stage singing to me Sonny & Cher’s “I’ve Got You, Babe” while I sat with my back to the audience. Since I have made it a custom to always wear my high-top Converse sneakers to work, on that day, I was up there wearing a long-hair wig and black boots. Wearing my sneakers inside the oversized boots, no one thought it would be me. At the end of the song, I turned around, said something to my wife, got down on one knee and re-proposed to her since it was our anniversary. As the song ended, they were shouting, “Who is he? Finally, after removing the wig and boots, they saw my face! I had pulled it off! Everyone was surprised!
Unfortunately, many of us have been victims of being fooled; of deception, victim of scammers, hypocrites, etc. There are people who enjoy casting their arm over the shoulders of those they intend deceiving. Others leave kisses of betrayal on our cheeks. It feels terrible! But deception isn’t limited to us. It happened to God.

Two thousand years ago, Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples, pre-arranged His betrayal. Speaking to the religious leaders, he agreed to deceive Jesus. Probably unaware that Jesus already knew from before the world was created that this moment would come to pass, Judas met his contacts at the garden where Jesus would be. For a price of 30 pieces of silver, Judas greeted Jesus with a kiss. It was the sign of whom they were to arrest (Mark 14:44). Jesus felt betrayed because He was indeed betrayed by one of His familiar friends, someone He trusted (Psalm 41:9).
Have you been deceived or betrayed? God knows the awful feeling. He can definitely relate. Cast your cares on Him. On His last week on earth, instead of it being a fun-filled week, it was to become the most hurtful week ever-from a human standpoint, for anyone who has ever lived. God was arrested by those He created.
Enjoy Holy Week
God Bless,