
Kisses are here and kisses are there, kisses are everywhere. We use them as expressions of greetings, friendship, appreciation, and as gratitude and love. Kisses are probably shared in every corner of the world. “Mercy and truth are met together;” we’re told in Scripture. Mercy and truth are needed in every situation. There are many people who do not operate in mercy while others do not function in truth. Some people lack both. They are needed to do things right. Jesus told the Pharisees of His day, “…I will have mercy and not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13).
Men love showing off their power and dominance; their control over others. Many enjoy doing what they want even if it’s wrong, and then want to offer sacrifices to God to atone for their ways. God wants us to be merciful to others. Jesus hung with the crowds the religious leaders ignored and despised. He wanted them to show compassion to the less fortunate, to the outcasts. Instead of offering sacrifices to God for their righteousness and showing off how good and obedient to the law they were, He wanted them to love their neighbors the way He loved them.
He expects the same from us. He would rather see less sacrifices, those long lists of all we’ve done or have gone through, but maybe haven’t loved anyone; and more obedience to His Word.
Have you read the book, Kisses from Katie (Davis): A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption? Great book on sacrifices made by a young girl to take the Gospel in the form of love to needy kids in Uganda by adopting 13 of them! It’s a must-read! Yes, kisses are everywhere!
But this happens mostly when we’re not self-righteous or pompously looking down on others. Real love cannot be measured! It goes beyond barriers of every type! God’s love, Agape love, is limitless! The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had love-all to themselves. In todays’ terms, they were looking out for number 1. They only loved “me” (themselves) and despised/belittled the poor and needy. Jesus told them off, put them in their place. Of course, they hated Him for it.
Psalm 2:12 reads, “Kiss the Son.” Meaning, be submissive to Him. However, the religious leaders failed to recognize God in their midst. So, whereas they could have kissed the author of love, that is, love personified, they instead, killed Him.
God Bless,