
I was about 15 when for some reason Pauly, one of the sons of the local diner’s owner, was terribly upset with me. He was about 5 inches taller than me and began to chase me. After going around the block the second time, my friends told him he might as well call it quits. When he asked why they told him that I was the fastest on the block and that he wasn’t going to catch me. In his anger, he disregarded them and chased away. He was about ½ a block behind me and never caught me after 5 laps. Endurance: persevering in an event, not giving up.
Many of us enjoy stories of persevering feats such as cycling 205.65 miles daily for 365 days and completing 75,065 in a year (Thomas Godwin of Great Britain) in 1939, and continuing until completing 100,000 miles in 500 days up to May 14, 1940. Or, imagine cycling 1216.8 miles behind pace in only 24 hours (Michael Secrest) April, 1990!
Others, like participating in mountain-climbing, or the scaling of mountain peaks like Mt. Everest. Some people enjoy reading their stories. Me, I enjoy the movies like Everest or Vertical Limit. However endurance may come, it is not only important in our lives, but essential. Look around you at what’s going on. Life has become even more difficult than it was. Don’t quit! Read:
“For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Matthew 24:6- NIV).
Endurance is for the long haul. It entails giving one’s all. It’s usually painful and long-lasting. Through thick and thin, we have to hang on. Jesus said,
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:14 KJV).
God Bless,