Life Through the Eyes of a Friend

I wrote this today for a special friend of over thirty years.
My Name is Magda and I’m in my low sixties. For several decades it’s been just my mom and me living and chasing dreams here and there. We’ve split our decades between New York and Puerto Rico. We’ve visited several states and have had fun on our journeys. From flea markets to farmers’ markets, and estate sales to closeout sales, we’ve enjoyed our treasures as well as our travels.
But the real treasures haven’t been the special finds and great deals. No, it’s been the special times and memorable moments my mom and I built together. We’ve been there for each other every step of the way. We’ve laughed along trails and cried at hardships on recovery roads. We’ve managed to triumph over obstacles of every type. We’ve weathered snow storms, hail storms, pouring rains, unbearable cold, and plenty of hurricanes.
We’ve been there for each other when electric power has gone out for days, weeks, and seven months after our last serious hurricane (Maria). In floods or droughts, we’ve stuck together. We’ve eaten plenty, as well as have had to share meals. From Museums to parks, to shows and Bingo groups, we’ve been friends to the end. In the heat of summer, we’ve refreshed ourselves with the coolness of water, drinks, and ice cream or shakes. In the bitter cold, hot chocolate or brewing coffee or tea, warmed our hearts. In the good times and tough ones, we’ve held each other up.
When she became ill and dropped over 80 pounds, I was by her side. The next several years brought unforeseen hardships, but we faced them as always-side by side in the warmth of each other’s presence. Dialysis drained her body, but her spirit continued strong as ever. Changes brought challenges, but her will to persevere, did not wane. Shorter travels and shorter journeys kept us together through thick and thin.
Two weeks ago, we celebrated my mom’s 85th birthday with friends and family as Death hung in the air always lingering nearby. Several days later, she passed away. So, what will I do now that my mom has passed on? What will I do now that my best friend has moved beyond the curtains on the stage of life?
I’m not really sure, but one thing I know: I will walk through the rooms of my mind. I will visit the special moments we held. I will sit in each room and recall memories made. I will laugh at the things we said and at the things we did together. I will treasure her advice, her opinions. I will hold her hand as she did mine in the toughest of times. I will recall how she stood tall and proud of her heritage and character. I will recall her determination to triumph in life-and I will continue in her path. I will continue our dreams and journeys. I will hear our songs in the rain and feel her presence in the wind. My best friend isn’t with me anymore, not in this life; she’s moved on. I will continue holding the hand of God for this next journey. Life will not be the same, but I will find laughter during this difficult time and will treasure it and share it with others. For now, “I miss you mom.”
*Magda voluntarily and unselfishly chose to put her life on hold for decades to care for her mom. She led an admirable life. We’ll continue to lift her up before God’s throne room as she seeks direction from Him for the path ahead.
“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalms 34:18-19).
Recommended song: Faithful Friend by Rebecca St. James & Dennis Jernigan
God Bless,