I See

We just went for new glasses. As my wife checked out ones against the wall, an assistant offered some help. I told her my wife, a retired librarian who can quote authors, their works, and where to find their books on her shelves, example: fiction- numbers…top row, next to…before…, reads 18 hours a day! “Eighteen hours a day?” she asked, “we’ll take care of that!” she added. And they did! Turns out, my wife who has been reading without glasses all her life, was actually seeing words on the blurry side. “Well, now everything will be clearer and she’ll be able to read 24 hours straight” said the assistant! “Glad y’all could help,” I said, plucking out some of my hair!
Sight is so important. Scripture tells us Moses died at the age of 120 and still had great vision (Deuteronomy34:7)! Imagine how many books he could’ve read! My wife’s going for the record!
We might have 20/20, or as in one Bugs Bunny cartoon, while getting an eye exam by Elmer J. Fudd, he was able to see letters below the lines shown! Elmer had to get several magnifying glasses to see them!
But, as long as we don’t have Jesus in our hearts, our spiritual eyes will remain shut. Take this case: Two of Jesus’ disciples (Cleopas & Simon) were walking on a road to a village known as Emmaus. As they walked and talked replaying the events that had recently occurred, Jesus, after His resurrection, joined them. Asking what important things, they were discussing, they told Him about the crucifixion; but their eyes were closed to seeing/understanding who He was. Then He shared with them all the scriptures starting with Moses concerning Himself. As they neared their destination, they invited Him to stay with them which He did. As He shared bread with them and blessed them, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him (Luke 24:13-53). Now, although they had spent years with Him, at this particular time, their eyes were closed from knowing and understanding Him.
As it goes, Israel’s spiritual eyes have been closed for over two thousand years. God ordained it that way. They’ll remain as such until this period, known as the Times of the Gentiles, ends. Then their eyes shall be opened and they shall understand that two-thousand years ago, Jesus walked and lived in their midst, yet they rejected their True Messiah. Then shall they mourn (Zechariah 13:5, 12:19). Spiritual discernment comes from God.
Closed eyes is why there are so many people today arguing against God, against religious rights, and against supposed hatred from Christian; without an understanding of the larger picture; they can’t see it or understand what is really happening. Check it out:
“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1Corinthians 2:14).
Whether we’re light readers, marathon readers, wear glasses or contact lenses, not until we serve God, will our spiritual eyes be opened. No number of filters, transitions, anti-glare protection, etc. will help. Gotta get those (spiritual) eyes examined on a regular basis! Read the Scriptures daily, and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance constantly!
“Now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1Corinthians 13:12). See You later!
God Bless,

The Race

In early ’95, my wife and our three kids went to a large department store to scout inline skates for our kids. We eyed them and took notes because the next day, Sunday, they’d go on sale. However, the selection was small. The next morning, my son and I headed there while the rest of the family went to church, where we’d catch up later.
We took the escalator down to the main entrance where a crowd of seniors were anxiously waiting for the gate to open. Our son told me to chill-not to rush in as I usually did, to allow the elderly to go first. He then motioned that we should step back and allow them to stay up front. After all, we didn’t want to hurt them by rushing in to grab our items. As the gate began to rise, and even before it went all the way up, those seniors CHARGED! Some in wheelchairs, others with crutches, walkers, on two feet, whether limping, hopping, or however they could, they bent down underneath the gate and pushed each other elbowing whoever was next to them! My son looked at me, his eyebrows raised, shook his head as if saying, “Dag, look at them go, they would have trampled us down!”
Regardless of age or condition, we’re all in a race. Some, going somewhere, others, going nowhere. But racing, we are. We all have a goal or goals. Billions of Christians are in a race; a race against time. People confuse our goals and objectives. When Noah entered the ark, he didn’t close the ark; God did (Genesis 7:16). So, what’s our race about? God has promised to soon shut the door on all things by a series of events known as the End Times. We’re extremely near it! Look around! Read the news! Since no one knows exactly when it’ll be, we want to warn everybody so as to be ready (saved) when He calls His believers home.
Long ago, Noah announced a flood was coming. Over a hundred years went by, and still not even a drop of rain. Remember, no one knew what rain was; since it had never rained before. But once the rains began to fall as drops, then puddles, like buckets, tubs, etc. people began banging on the ark and probably repenting of their sinful ways, and for mocking Noah and his family. But it was too late. Millions climbed to higher ground, to no avail.
Likewise, now, people believe it’s mockery and nonsense that fire will fall from heaven, or that stars will fall to the earth, or that the sun will get 7 times hotter; but when it comes…
What did Jesus say about that? He said, “Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near” (Luke 21:31). We need not trample one another for the kingdom’s sake; don’t need to elbow anyone; we shall all get there, if we’re saved. But we do need to run the race God has set before us not doubting or behaving foolishly, but always expecting God’s imminent return. But if we’re not ready yet, it’ll be too late! You’ll have missed the boat, as the saying goes.
However, once there, we’ll be able to skate down the streets of gold! No wheelchairs, no walkers, no canes, no pushing, and without any injuries!
I won’t say my son and I had to wrangle some skates off some old men and women, or that they took ours, but we did manage to get what we had set out to buy- peacefully!
Sweet skating!
God Bless,