The Promise of Tomorrow

Kids in general believe in tomorrow.  “Tomorrow we’ll get ice-cream.” “Tomorrow I’ll be with dad…” “Tomorrow we’re going on vacation.” We all need the hope of tomorrow.  Sadly, many live without tomorrow in sight.  From those whose lives have been turned upside-down due to unforeseen events, to those who steal, splurge, and live recklessly; to those that think tomorrow will never catch up with them, tomorrow comes too soon, and slips away just as well.                                                 

Some people spend all they have as if there’ll be no tomorrow.  When it rolls around and they’re broke and busted, they’ll have an awful today-everyday.  I’ve read of those “Riches-to-rags” characters that lived to the hilt and then fell flat on their faces.  It’s important to know that tomorrows are on the horizon.  And for those who don’t anticipate them, might as well get your lives on track should you drop dead tonight-cause tomorrow won’t come for you-but only perpetual todays. Meaning, if you die in your sins, nightmares, tortures in hell, and eternal separation from God shall be your ‘today’ eternally.  Jesus said,

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes when no man can work” (John 9:4).

In other words, while it’s still day (today), we need to do God’s will. The night (or tomorrow) is coming when it’ll be too late. Tomorrow’s riches from God’s hand are better than today’s life without Him. Awaiting to be in His presence tomorrow is way-better than living recklessly for the moment.

Happy New Year!