
Back in the early 70s I would occasionally visit some Oriental stores on Fulton Street or at malls and buy some incense. I usually picked out some cherry or sandalwood-20 sticks/$1. At home, I had a black light in my room and one wall I had painted black. Using fluorescent paint, I then painted designs and pictures on it. The black light caused the glow-type paint to pop. Of course, there had to be music, so anywhere from Barry White, The Sal-soul Orchestra, to the fusion sounds of Santana, Osibisa, or Tribe, songs were present. The rising smoke from incense, added to the ambience bringing about a sweet smell, pleasant to take in.
I have learned over the years as the hair shortened, the black walls gave way to brighter colors, and black lights got replaced by daylight bulbs, that incense has played a different role in my life. No longer out of a packet, the incense I’ve been using for the past forty-three years, is of a very different nature.
In scripture, prayers are referred to as incense. They rise to the LORD as sweet-smelling incense to Him. That’s now my type of incense. Everyone needs prayers and everyone wants them-even those opposed to God. Some, don’t know it yet! Bring your prayers to God! He delights in hearing them-more importantly, He delights in hearing from you! Whether long, short, or no hair at all; music, or silence, lift your prayers as incense to Him today! This week is prayer night at (Winter) Haven Church in Florida. Pray for others and have others pray for you. Just in tuning in, God is pleased! Prayer not only changes things, it changes people. It changes how we see things around us. It changes how we view others. Prayer is the only weapon in any arsenal that transcends every barrier; it goes through walls, through racial divides, it disrupts and disarms Satan, our enemy. Prayer, combined with praise confuses the enemy. Tonight, show up through your TV set, laptop, your phone or other means. God will be waiting!
“And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand” (Revelation 8:3,4).
Go to: Week of Prayer/Haven Worship Center Live on YouTube at 7-8 pm, EST. Sing, rejoice, and see the prayers upon the screen and pray for them-quickly!
God Bless!

Author, 1972 Long hair, Incense, Music, Black Light