Too Late

Back in the early 80s, we would see new housing developments going up pretty fast. In no time, they were occupied. We once saw entire blocks boarded up while work underwent within. Through hole cutouts, one could look down and see foundational work progressing. We went on our two-month vacation trip, and upon arriving, noticed the panels were gone, the houses were not only completed, but windows had curtains as well! Each apartment was occupied! We wondered how people could be selected and move in so quickly. Then we learned the secret!
People applied months and years in advance. They were contacted months in advance. They were selected and notified about where they would live, etc. Once the apartments were ready, they were given the keys to occupy.
In the near future, something very similar will happen. Millions upon millions will perhaps catch a glimpse of the New Jerusalem-God’s place for redeemed believers. Those millions and billions will desire and even wish to get in. They’ll want to live there. They’ll see gates made of single pearls. They’ll see a quintillion angelic hosts, they’ll maybe hear ever-so-pleasant heavenly music, and they’ll wonder what the criteria to get in is. Unfortunately, they’ll learn the requirements were fulfilled ages before. At that point, it might be much too late to get in. Depending on when all this takes place, millions will have to pay a costly price to reserve a seat. Any time beyond that, and it’ll be impossible to even peek inside. Would you like to reserve a seat now? Would you like to hang curtains on your very own windows? Wouldn’t you like to sit near Jesus? Plan on checking out the neighbors? Get your ticket NOW! Already paid for by the Son of God, Jesus. Reserved two thousand years ago! Don’t wait another day!
This announcement was paid for by the blood of Christ!
Get There!