The Last Lap

The crowd was yelling, shouting, standing, most were sitting, many were banging on the front covered panels of their seats. We were situated on bleachers all around the track of this indoor track. It was winter, probably 1973. We were at the 168th Street New York Armory for a track meet. Hundreds of runners were present as well as coaches, and some parents. The race taking place was the two-mile event.
A well-known runner from a competing school had the lead in this 16-plus lap event. He was kicking, he was giving every ounce left to finish the race. As the pounding continued, he pumped his arms and crossed the finish line on a straightaway to the right of the course. As he raised his head, probably in wonder why no one came right behind him, he saw runners, number 2,3,4, etc. nearing the next curve. He couldn’t believe it! He finished the race with one lap to go!
It wasn’t cheering he had heard; we were yelling for him to keep going. So-called ‘compliments’ from other teenagers were being hurled at him such as: “Keep going, bonehead!” and “You moron, look to the side!” and, “One more, you nut!” Needless to say, we were ego-boosters! Not the type he needed, but the type teenagers were accustomed to shelling out.
How about you? Have you thought the race was over because you’re seeing last-day events taking place? Have you crossed the finish line because of the ‘cheering’ crowds? You still have one last lap to go! It might seem like the longest lap yet, but it isn’t over. Keep your eyes on the track! Sometimes, we can’t be at the front where we can’t tell there’s more on the horizon.
We need to look around, need to stay close to others to spot errors, danger, and to not get side-tracked, or worse, go off course. The finish line is up ahead; just, not yet in full sight.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed his appearing” (2Timothy 4:7,8).
Keep Running!

Author, around 1973 at 168th St NY Armory, Indoor Track Meet