Shelter In a Storm

Reminiscent of my little cabin in the woods, I sit across my fireplace. Wrapped in an Indian blanket, I grab a ‘cuppa’ hot chocolate and a great book to read.  Glancing out the bay window seat, the weather outside appears threatening.   But before me, flames soar as a crackling fire displays irregular images upon the hearth. In the distance, faintly, I hear the radiator hissing. Tsss, tss, clang, clang go the pipes as little heat creeps into my rooms.  But it’s the fireplace flames that provide real warmth and sets the ambience as the heat triggers the aroma of the cedar paneling surrounding me.  Everything is toasty warm, and though I’m far from the boondocks, it seems like I’m there.

The barren trees outside remind me of the season I so love. I can see the winds galloping in the distance. A cardboard box is snatched and flown about like a lost kite. Up, up it flies before getting pasted to a building wall. For now, it’s safe, but another wallop, and it’s scattered about again, like our lives when untethered to the Lord.                                                                     

“He makes the storms calm, so that the waves thereof are still” (Psalms 107:29).

The heavy snowfall blankets the area. Scarves offer little protection; as do umbrellas…But for me, taking refuge and shelter within these walls shield me from the harm and cold that lies beyond.  I glance at my wagon wheel bench and take comfort in its ruggedness and in old collectibles: an antique Bible, worn saddle, Indian blankets, furs, and rifle which offer security at moments like these.  Evening soon falls, darkness emerges, and in the midst of this storm, I return to my book about surviving internal storms.  I take comfort and refuge in the One who created all things; the One who provides shelter in outside storms, as well as in those within us. 

“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Enjoying the Christmas Season!
