
I have read poems and stories that are matchless.  There are places that seem ageless, and works of art that are priceless. And there is human love, which is limitless. And then there is God and His everlasting love which is, selfless. His pursuit, tireless.

Where is our focus? Are our goals futile? Our pursuits selfish? Our motives self-centered? Are our accomplishments eternal? Will our dreams withstand the test of time? Can we even grasp the concept of time? Can our works endure the rigors of time? Can time outlast time? All we do occurs within time frames. Time dictates all things.  It waits for nothing and respects no-one.

Time has existed for centuries, for eons.  No-one controls it.  No one stores it. No one detains it or advances it.  In our lifetime there are so many things to do, we sometimes don’t get to them all, which may have prompted the late singer, Jim Croce, to write, “If I could save time in a bottle…”

We all would love holding, controlling, or manipulating time.  As important and fleeting as it is; as priceless as it is, it isn’t endless. God controls our times which are in his hands (Psalms 31:15).  He will soon cast time out the window, so-to-speak. 

Time will be no more!  Since sin will no longer exist, neither sickness; and death will not rule over us.  Night will forever be gone and weariness abolished.  Our ‘days’ will go on forever. Our current lives of suffering will seem but a speck in time which shall get brushed off, and then will vanish for eternity.  Soon we will be with our loved ones and will meet billions of brothers and sisters in Christ.  We’ll be able to communicate with each other without hinderance.  Fellowshipping and worshipping will take place with the Godhead eternally with nothing but goodness.  In a word, it will be… timeless.

