The Promise of Tomorrow

Kids in general believe in tomorrow.  “Tomorrow we’ll get ice-cream.” “Tomorrow I’ll be with dad…” “Tomorrow we’re going on vacation.” We all need the hope of tomorrow.  Sadly, many live without tomorrow in sight.  From those whose lives have been turned upside-down due to unforeseen events, to those who steal, splurge, and live recklessly; to those that think tomorrow will never catch up with them, tomorrow comes too soon, and slips away just as well.                                                 

Some people spend all they have as if there’ll be no tomorrow.  When it rolls around and they’re broke and busted, they’ll have an awful today-everyday.  I’ve read of those “Riches-to-rags” characters that lived to the hilt and then fell flat on their faces.  It’s important to know that tomorrows are on the horizon.  And for those who don’t anticipate them, might as well get your lives on track should you drop dead tonight-cause tomorrow won’t come for you-but only perpetual todays. Meaning, if you die in your sins, nightmares, tortures in hell, and eternal separation from God shall be your ‘today’ eternally.  Jesus said,

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes when no man can work” (John 9:4).

In other words, while it’s still day (today), we need to do God’s will. The night (or tomorrow) is coming when it’ll be too late. Tomorrow’s riches from God’s hand are better than today’s life without Him. Awaiting to be in His presence tomorrow is way-better than living recklessly for the moment.

Happy New Year!


How are those resolutions coming? More like a revolution?  Somewhat of a confusion? Battling midsection protrusion? Here’s a better solution:

 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).  Instead of seeking our own will, or attempting to perfect our ways, let’s trust God to lead us down His paths.  The LORD says,

 “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8 NLT).

For this new year which will feature more uncertainties than in past years, we need to cling to Jesus more than ever.  He will help us with our circumstances, since He knows our struggles and petitions.  Yes, we do need to put in some effort! However, let’s attempt His will first, then tackle sensible things.  Finally,

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14).

We shall give an account to God for all our ways-good or bad.  Might as well start on those things that really matter.

God Bless!

Happy New Year!


Back in the early 70s I would occasionally visit some Oriental stores on Fulton Street or at malls and buy some incense. I usually picked out some cherry or sandalwood-20 sticks/$1. At home, I had a black light in my room and one wall I had painted black. Using fluorescent paint, I then painted designs and pictures on it. The black light caused the glow-type paint to pop. Of course, there had to be music, so anywhere from Barry White, The Sal-soul Orchestra, to the fusion sounds of Santana, Osibisa, or Tribe, songs were present. The rising smoke from incense, added to the ambience bringing about a sweet smell, pleasant to take in.
I have learned over the years as the hair shortened, the black walls gave way to brighter colors, and black lights got replaced by daylight bulbs, that incense has played a different role in my life. No longer out of a packet, the incense I’ve been using for the past forty-three years, is of a very different nature.
In scripture, prayers are referred to as incense. They rise to the LORD as sweet-smelling incense to Him. That’s now my type of incense. Everyone needs prayers and everyone wants them-even those opposed to God. Some, don’t know it yet! Bring your prayers to God! He delights in hearing them-more importantly, He delights in hearing from you! Whether long, short, or no hair at all; music, or silence, lift your prayers as incense to Him today! This week is prayer night at (Winter) Haven Church in Florida. Pray for others and have others pray for you. Just in tuning in, God is pleased! Prayer not only changes things, it changes people. It changes how we see things around us. It changes how we view others. Prayer is the only weapon in any arsenal that transcends every barrier; it goes through walls, through racial divides, it disrupts and disarms Satan, our enemy. Prayer, combined with praise confuses the enemy. Tonight, show up through your TV set, laptop, your phone or other means. God will be waiting!
“And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand” (Revelation 8:3,4).
Go to: Week of Prayer/Haven Worship Center Live on YouTube at 7-8 pm, EST. Sing, rejoice, and see the prayers upon the screen and pray for them-quickly!
God Bless!

Author, 1972 Long hair, Incense, Music, Black Light

Too Late

Back in the early 80s, we would see new housing developments going up pretty fast. In no time, they were occupied. We once saw entire blocks boarded up while work underwent within. Through hole cutouts, one could look down and see foundational work progressing. We went on our two-month vacation trip, and upon arriving, noticed the panels were gone, the houses were not only completed, but windows had curtains as well! Each apartment was occupied! We wondered how people could be selected and move in so quickly. Then we learned the secret!
People applied months and years in advance. They were contacted months in advance. They were selected and notified about where they would live, etc. Once the apartments were ready, they were given the keys to occupy.
In the near future, something very similar will happen. Millions upon millions will perhaps catch a glimpse of the New Jerusalem-God’s place for redeemed believers. Those millions and billions will desire and even wish to get in. They’ll want to live there. They’ll see gates made of single pearls. They’ll see a quintillion angelic hosts, they’ll maybe hear ever-so-pleasant heavenly music, and they’ll wonder what the criteria to get in is. Unfortunately, they’ll learn the requirements were fulfilled ages before. At that point, it might be much too late to get in. Depending on when all this takes place, millions will have to pay a costly price to reserve a seat. Any time beyond that, and it’ll be impossible to even peek inside. Would you like to reserve a seat now? Would you like to hang curtains on your very own windows? Wouldn’t you like to sit near Jesus? Plan on checking out the neighbors? Get your ticket NOW! Already paid for by the Son of God, Jesus. Reserved two thousand years ago! Don’t wait another day!
This announcement was paid for by the blood of Christ!
Get There!

The Last Lap

The crowd was yelling, shouting, standing, most were sitting, many were banging on the front covered panels of their seats. We were situated on bleachers all around the track of this indoor track. It was winter, probably 1973. We were at the 168th Street New York Armory for a track meet. Hundreds of runners were present as well as coaches, and some parents. The race taking place was the two-mile event.
A well-known runner from a competing school had the lead in this 16-plus lap event. He was kicking, he was giving every ounce left to finish the race. As the pounding continued, he pumped his arms and crossed the finish line on a straightaway to the right of the course. As he raised his head, probably in wonder why no one came right behind him, he saw runners, number 2,3,4, etc. nearing the next curve. He couldn’t believe it! He finished the race with one lap to go!
It wasn’t cheering he had heard; we were yelling for him to keep going. So-called ‘compliments’ from other teenagers were being hurled at him such as: “Keep going, bonehead!” and “You moron, look to the side!” and, “One more, you nut!” Needless to say, we were ego-boosters! Not the type he needed, but the type teenagers were accustomed to shelling out.
How about you? Have you thought the race was over because you’re seeing last-day events taking place? Have you crossed the finish line because of the ‘cheering’ crowds? You still have one last lap to go! It might seem like the longest lap yet, but it isn’t over. Keep your eyes on the track! Sometimes, we can’t be at the front where we can’t tell there’s more on the horizon.
We need to look around, need to stay close to others to spot errors, danger, and to not get side-tracked, or worse, go off course. The finish line is up ahead; just, not yet in full sight.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed his appearing” (2Timothy 4:7,8).
Keep Running!

Author, around 1973 at 168th St NY Armory, Indoor Track Meet

Kings of the Earth

Many Spanish-speaking countries celebrate Three Kings Day today. Based on their calculations, the Wise men traveled only 12 days from the ‘birth’ of Jesus on December 25th until January 6. Biblically, this thought is far from accurate:
“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him…And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:1,2; 10, 11).
Big difference between being a babe in a manger and a child in a house at least a year or more later. However, they nonetheless worshipped Him and brought Him gifts in His early years; a practice that would set a precedent of things to come. Psalms 138:4, 5, 6 tells us,
“All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD. Though the LORD be high, yet has he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knows afar off.”
We are to offer praises and worship to God every day. And, in the new city where God will dwell, we are told:

“And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it” (Revelation 21:24).

Why? Because Jesus is King over every other king on earth! There’s none greater or higher in rank than He! Everyone shall bow to Him!
“And he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
No one can top that!
God Bless!

Coming Down

By the lamppost one could see the flurries making their way down. Hours later, flurries turn to steady snow which turns to a soft white blanket upon everything in sight. Cars are coated in snow.  Slowly traffic begins to fade. Streets are lonely now. The dusting is now two inches thick; soon going to four.  As the hours pass some twelve inches of snow have graced our neighborhood. Cars are white like powdery jelly doughnuts.                                                

If lampposts could count the fallen snow, I wonder how many flakes have crossed its path.  Snow makes its way down gently, softly, quietly descending on to the ground without a sound; without a squeak.  At the corner, an old-time pharmacy stands.  Either side has display windows.  I peer through the glass at the enticing array of metal and plastic toys available in1962. Gee!                                                 

So many! Wish I had them all!  I step inside with my mom.  By the pay-counter sit small boxes holding some toys. For a nickel, I can get a bouncing ball, set of jacks, or a very small water pistol.  For ten-cents, bigger water guns are available as are Spalding balls.  But it’s the twenty-five cent water guns I love. They come in beautiful clear, see-through colors of red and blue.                                                                                                                  

One toy is costly.  I learn from mom, it’s a Russian Roulette, and the colors of black, red, and gold are appealing; but at a dollar, who would want it? She says it’s a bad toy that begins with fun and ends with fights.  Toys are so appealing.

On the opposite corner stands an old building.  The type with display windows on three sides.  All the stores look like pictures in a movie or in a magazine. They’re made of wood.  The glass allows me to see hundreds of toys! Oh boy! I would love to be there and play.  Inside, on a large table, I see small cars and trucks. There are also dolls.  Mom bought me a beautiful red, rubber car with yellow wheels and a blue and white airplane.  Nels has a white metal tow-truck and a small metal truck with animals painted on the sides.

Outside, streets, stoops, and everything gets covered in snow. Soon everything around us becomes deft in silence. Traffic virtually stops, while people withdraw.  Heavier snowfall comes down. Drifts pile up. Garbage cans look like giant ice cream cones, and my mom and I slowly make our way to our stoop leaving behind tin cars, plastic cowboys, small trucks, and brightly-colored water guns. But a 10-cent bag of plastic coins made its way to our home.  There it’ll be warm and we will nap after some hot Cocoa-Marsh. Later, I will watch the snow coming down and count the flakes while I play with my coins.

“Out of the south comes the whirlwind: and cold out of the north” (Job 37:9).

Happy Winter!

Shelter In a Storm

Reminiscent of my little cabin in the woods, I sit across my fireplace. Wrapped in an Indian blanket, I grab a ‘cuppa’ hot chocolate and a great book to read.  Glancing out the bay window seat, the weather outside appears threatening.   But before me, flames soar as a crackling fire displays irregular images upon the hearth. In the distance, faintly, I hear the radiator hissing. Tsss, tss, clang, clang go the pipes as little heat creeps into my rooms.  But it’s the fireplace flames that provide real warmth and sets the ambience as the heat triggers the aroma of the cedar paneling surrounding me.  Everything is toasty warm, and though I’m far from the boondocks, it seems like I’m there.

The barren trees outside remind me of the season I so love. I can see the winds galloping in the distance. A cardboard box is snatched and flown about like a lost kite. Up, up it flies before getting pasted to a building wall. For now, it’s safe, but another wallop, and it’s scattered about again, like our lives when untethered to the Lord.                                                                     

“He makes the storms calm, so that the waves thereof are still” (Psalms 107:29).

The heavy snowfall blankets the area. Scarves offer little protection; as do umbrellas…But for me, taking refuge and shelter within these walls shield me from the harm and cold that lies beyond.  I glance at my wagon wheel bench and take comfort in its ruggedness and in old collectibles: an antique Bible, worn saddle, Indian blankets, furs, and rifle which offer security at moments like these.  Evening soon falls, darkness emerges, and in the midst of this storm, I return to my book about surviving internal storms.  I take comfort and refuge in the One who created all things; the One who provides shelter in outside storms, as well as in those within us. 

“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Enjoying the Christmas Season!



I have read poems and stories that are matchless.  There are places that seem ageless, and works of art that are priceless. And there is human love, which is limitless. And then there is God and His everlasting love which is, selfless. His pursuit, tireless.

Where is our focus? Are our goals futile? Our pursuits selfish? Our motives self-centered? Are our accomplishments eternal? Will our dreams withstand the test of time? Can we even grasp the concept of time? Can our works endure the rigors of time? Can time outlast time? All we do occurs within time frames. Time dictates all things.  It waits for nothing and respects no-one.

Time has existed for centuries, for eons.  No-one controls it.  No one stores it. No one detains it or advances it.  In our lifetime there are so many things to do, we sometimes don’t get to them all, which may have prompted the late singer, Jim Croce, to write, “If I could save time in a bottle…”

We all would love holding, controlling, or manipulating time.  As important and fleeting as it is; as priceless as it is, it isn’t endless. God controls our times which are in his hands (Psalms 31:15).  He will soon cast time out the window, so-to-speak. 

Time will be no more!  Since sin will no longer exist, neither sickness; and death will not rule over us.  Night will forever be gone and weariness abolished.  Our ‘days’ will go on forever. Our current lives of suffering will seem but a speck in time which shall get brushed off, and then will vanish for eternity.  Soon we will be with our loved ones and will meet billions of brothers and sisters in Christ.  We’ll be able to communicate with each other without hinderance.  Fellowshipping and worshipping will take place with the Godhead eternally with nothing but goodness.  In a word, it will be… timeless.

