Alone With the Heart of God
I trudged through knee-deep snow in the barren field as absolute silence filled the air. Looking up, overcast skies sent messages of gloom and foreboding thoughts emerged. Walking, I walked for miles on end opening my mouth to the flurries in the air. Trudging through snow I went mile after mile clearing my head.
The beauty of snow is unrivaled. The silence, unmatched. Being alone at moments like these are sacred. One can almost hear the beating of God’s heart and the murmurs of His breath. It whispers through the flurries. It bites your face. It surrounds you as He cradles you in His quietness. How lovely his ways. How lovely His voice.
“And a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice” (1Kings 19:11, 12).

Merry Winter!

Snow Riding

Snow covered the ground. Freezing winds cut my face. I stooped lower on my bike protecting my eyes-the only thing exposed on my face. The balaclava kept me warm. Whistling winds whipped around me howling over the dark-grey skies. Lonely trees in the distance echoed winter’s presence. Slowly riding by, I could see the oncoming frost and cold blast.  Battling the frigid cold my thoughts raced to a crackling fire in the living room fireplace.                                                               Back to reality, in spite of the onslaught of gusts, flurries, and cold, I pressed-on to my destination enjoying the otherwise silence that only snow can bring.

Merry Winter!

Christmas Giving

The act of giving comes from the love of God. All humans have a portion of God within. Many don’t know it. When we give, whether we know God or not, we’re imitating Him. At the start of 1994, our NY-based church, Metro, added a second-story to their storage room to fit their Christmas stockings. They had had 39,000 stockings for boys and girls, and were expecting to double that number by the next year, which they did.
We were allowed to take some for kids we knew or to distribute. I calculated enough for my students, all the kindergarteners ,and first and second graders. Each group picked a day and time to visit our room, receive a stocking (red for girls, green for boys), and to have their class picture taken in front of our tree. A few teachers also joined in!
My students, in addition to having their pics taken also received gifts from me. And all Paraprofessionals would yearly receive a huge Rome apple-the largest I could find. I’d shine it up and pass them out. Additionally, each student was allowed to bring to class their favorite stuffed animal to have by their side each day during the Christmas season-regardless of their grade (first -fourth).
Because God has deposited His goodness in us, in general, we’ve inherited inklings from Him to give to others. God’s the most generous being in/out of this universe. We give to be like Him. Givers love to give-every chance we can! This new year, be a giver (or give more)! You’ll get unbeatable satisfaction! God loves giving and loves a cheerful giver (original rendering: God loves a hilarious giver- 2Corinthians 9:7)!
Merry Christmas!

After gifts were added, students and groups posed in front of tree

Partying and Kingly Treasures

It was on the evening of January 14, 1978 that the guys on the block were headed to a small party at Edgar’s house.  Edgar grew up with us, along with his two brothers.  The day was frigid cold at 32 degrees and the roads were all iced-up.  Light snow was falling. Sidewalks had fresh-fallen snow, actually, 13.7” of it and the air was sharp and frigid.  As we walked, the winds bit our faces.  As silence filled the air, Gil and I headed to Edgar’s apartment.  The rest of the guys would arrive later.  There, in a crib, we saw Edgar’s new baby boy.  Wow, he had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen!

We chatted a while, drank and ate, as music played in the background.  Later, we headed out.  The weather kept us from getting gifts, but our presence did due-diligence. Whether small or big, parties are good for mingling, and, if it’s Christmastime, for exchanging gifts.                                                                                  

Though no one knows the exact time of Jesus’ birth, we do know of the events that transpired.  Probably a year after the first Christmas, Wise Men from the East journeyed in search of the Messiah, Jesus, and after being guided by a star, found Him nearly two years after His birth.  I know this may seem odd because it’s not what ‘tradition’ teaches, but it’s what the Bible says.

It is also possible there were up to a hundred Wisemen in the group.  Scripture never mentions three wisemen; tradition does.  Check it out:

 “Now when Jesus (Yeshua) was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wisemen from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews?  For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him” (Matthew 2:1-3).

Verse 11 reads: “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold and frankincense, and myrrh.”

Notice a few things:

1. Jesus was already born. 

2. He was found in a house, not the manger

3. He wasn’t a baby but a child.

4. They worshipped Him, not Mary

Scripture says:

“Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wisemen, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wisemen” (Matthew 2:16).

The reason King Herod had children ages two and under killed is because Jesus would have been in that age range when found by the wise men and the lapsing time.  Herod wanted to kill Jesus, which isn’t too different from what man wants to do today. In the spirit of the holiday, Christ has been killed off by Santa. Santa gets all the glory.  Afterall, “Magical things happen at Christmas through Santa,” they say. Man tries everything possible to silence Jesus’ followers and His message of salvation.  Think of it.  Commercialized Christmas is prettier and more festive than a poor and humble couple with a small child in unappealing quarters.  The manger had no colorful lights, no background music, drinks or food, and no Christmas tree.  Not much of a party…

But the Wise men found the savior! And the first thing they did? No, they didn’t give Him gifts!  Instead, they knelt and worshipped Him!  They acknowledged His Kingship.  They didn’t even worship Joseph, just the child; the Son of the Most-High God.

This Christmas season whether you party or not, gift or not, whether it’s freezing, snowing, or you’re in the Caribbean, remember the true meaning of Christmas is giving. God gave us His most beloved treasure-His Son to save us.  He gave us not a hundred kings not even three; but One; The King of Kings (Revelation 19:6)!  If you too have been traveling long and far, and have seen His star (signs in your life that you need to find Him), He’s here! Worship Him!  Then lay your treasures (your life, hopes, dreams, and your family) at His feet.

Merry Christmas!

The Wise Men’s Treasures

Christmas, 1977
On December 9, 1977 I arrived home from work… and left my heart at the door. I was sure my apartment had been robbed. As I walked room to room, furniture was missing. So many things were gone, there were some things I didn’t realize were missing until much later. However, things began to take on a different tone, when I walked into a small room where our new, 3-day-old huge, round bed was supposed to have been, and was now gone.
My worst fears were confirmed when I opened the closet doors finding only my clothes and none of my (first) wife’s. She was gone. My stomach turned. I didn’t know what to do. Everything felt terrible. Questions of why kept popping up. I know that early that evening, I went to bed hugging a Bible my mom had gifted me upon graduating from high school two years earlier. I prayed, “God, I don’t know or understand anything in this book, but please help me.” I tried reading through it but couldn’t understand anything. I wondered if what I read wee things that had already happened or were happening there and then. I cried myself to sleep wishing next morning things would be different, but they weren’t.
I jumped on my bike and headed to my parents in the 20 degree weather and told them all that had happened. Mom couldn’t believe it. My father, though, said to her, “I told you, I told you something like that was up and was going to happen.” Needless to say, I felt horrible. I felt lonely and confused. I was embarrassed especially the following week around my five older brothers and their wives when they arrived at my parents’ home for a Christmas dinner. I really felt like I was a failure compared to them.
Time moved very slowly during those days, especially as they dragged into months. Throughout the pain, the heartaches, the loneliness, and the confusion, God was there though I didn’t know it.
The heavenly Father knows all-too well what loneliness is. He knows hurt. He understands rejection. He lived through (Jesus) rejection and betrayal. Every pain you and I have ever felt or experienced, Jesus knows and lived through as well.
As you dry your tears and as you blow your nose, Jesus is right there beside you sharing in it. As you shake and wonder why over and over, He’s there feeling all the hurt and anger you feel. You’re not alone. For tender or painful moments like these, He came to reassure us of His presence and involvement in our lives.
Just as He put a rainbow in the skies after the flood to assure us it would never happen again; He gave us a most-definite assurance through way of a sign of His companionship: His Name:
Emmanuel, God with Us. To show He knows our pain and confusion, The Counsellor. To remove the chaos within us, The Prince of Peace. When we’re dealing with oppression, suicidal thoughts, or other demonic activity, He’s The Mighty God. When we need the reassurance or confirmation that He’s not just “passing through,” but here for the long haul, He’s The Everlasting Father.
Yes, Christmas is more than gifts, lights, meals, snow, reindeer, elves, and Santa. It’s about Christ the Savior of the world living with us and within us. Whether your marriage is on the rocks, almost over, or you’re going through some real tough things, God’s here for you this Christmas Day. This good news can be summed up in another of God’s great Name, Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6). I can attest that He can turn your life around like He did mine! He showed me the way out of the pain and the bad memories through His unconditional and unrelenting love.
God Bless!
Merry Christmas!

Time Heals All Wounds And Memories

Christmas Shopping

I remember the many years going Christmas shopping with my parents.  In the early years it was for toys for cousins, brothers, and nephews.  As we grew older, we shopped for clothing.  I remember the cold and the winds beating upon us as my brother and I waited for our parents in front of a building stoop on Moore Street.  My parents would return loaded with gifts, drop them off into a large box we had, and then return for more.  One time, we probably waited two hours all bundled up. We then had to walk home lugging the loaded box.

At home, the coats, scarves, boots, and gloves came off.  The nice heat from the radiator warmed us up.  We’d have hot chocolate while our parents had coffee.  The gifts were then wrapped, labeled, and placed under our tree.

Thousands of years ago, God went shopping.  In fact, He’s been trying to get us back to Him since Adam and Eve sinned, but we have rejected Him ever since. He’s sent prophets, kings, and judges, but we’ve rejected them all.  Two thousand years ago He sent His Perfect Son to look for us poor lost souls.  In spite of the cold, the snow, the ice, the frost, the wind, and the sin that thwarted man from making his way to God, Jesus searched for just the right gift to take home to the Father. The Godhead concluded All of humanity deserved being taken back to the Father.

And so, Jesus paid our ransomed price!  The cost was not cash, credit cards, bars of gold, silver, or even crypto!  The cost called for perfect, untainted blood- an impossible price for man to pay, but God in His infinite wisdom was able to pull it off through Jesus’s life and perfect blood; untainted by sin. The Perfect Lamb of God, Jesus, through the virgin birth, entered humanity but without sin. 

Thirty-three years later, He laid His life on the cross after saying, “I’ll take them all” (John 3:16). And so, He died for us all taking our souls to the tree and nailing us and our sinful nature to the cross.  He then presented us to the Father. 

However, not everyone wants to be wrapped in the blood of Christ! Not everyone wants to be presented as a gift to God! Some people think they’re too good-they think they can make it on their own-but they CAN’T DO IT!  And others think they’re not good enough.  They think He doesn’t want them.  But you’re the perfect gift for the Father!  He loves you unconditionally!  That means YOU are precious to Him No Matter What you’ve done or where you’ve been! Give yourself to Him, He’s made you righteous through Christ.                       

“For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous” (Romans 5:19).               

This Christmas, will you place yourself under the tree?  Will you lay down your life as a sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1)?  God has a new name for you (Revelation 2:17)-might even be scripted on a stocking hanging on His fireplace…

Merry Christmas!                                                                             Sam

Christmas Time

  • I love Christmas colors of red, green, and gold Against a backdrop of white; I’m sold! Love the bells and Christmas balls,
  • The crisp fresh air as snow lightly falls! I love the trinkets and items of old, They calm my nerves, let it be told!
  • Sparkling lights glimmer signs of hope, Lifting my spirits, helping me cope. My tree they infuse with serenity and calm It’s truly therapeutic; what a balm!
  • I love the cold outside And the warmth from the fireside Sweet smells of apple and cinnamon Beckon people to stop by and come in!
  • Christmastime is unequalled in beauty! With blizzards and snowstorms in all their fury. Warmth, coziness, family and friends, Timeless memories that’ll never end.
  • Antique décor of years gone by Pull my heart and cause me to cry Tears of joy and satisfaction; Of Christmastime gatherings Amidst all the distraction.
  • Wonderful colors reminiscent of Christ’s birth, Who left heaven’s glory for this fallen earth. Red for His blood, green for renewed life, Gold for His crown of victory over death! White for the purity of all that it’s worth!
  • I love the silence that envelopes me As snow-swirls dance forever free! Christmastime is here! With Christ, there’s nothing to fear!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 1964

Our apartment on Flushing Avenue in Brooklyn was very small. Our bedroom was adjacent to the living room. It had no door, only a heavy curtain. On this particular Christmas eve, somewhere around 10:30 at night, I kept hearing banging and metal pieces clanging. I called Mom to see what the fuss was. I told her I heard what sounded like my brother Ruben, a cousin…“Shh, Santa needs some help,” she said. WOW! Could you believe that? After much more clanging and voices of my dad and a cousin or two, my brother and I were allowed to see what was going on. “Santa” had delivered my all-metal blue jeep pedal-car with a bright yellow star in the middle of the hood! I was allowed to try it out back and forth in the tiny living room. Soon afterwards, we were snoring again anxiously awaiting Christmas morning. When it arrived, it wasn’t a dream! Everything that had happened was real. Along with many other gifts, my jeep was parked there under our tree!

Many Christmases ago, in a manger, laid baby Jesus. No gifts were there other than One for the whole world: The King of the universe! Other than His parents, His only visitors were shepherds that, while out in the fields keeping watch over their lambs, like me, heard fussing and noises that night. Suddenly, they beheld the glorious angelic announcement of His birth from an angelic chorus worshipping the new King in song and praise! With excitement, the shepherds headed to the manger near the inn to behold the tiny king who was born to save the world. It wasn’t a dream! He was there as real as the angels said! They headed out to tell everyone what they had witnessed (Luke 2:8-20)! It was a marvelous first Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

It was 1968 and the “big guys,” David & Junior, two and four years my senior, had gone off to our elementary school yard for a softball game and I had been invited. I’ve never cared for baseball, but first I needed to go with my mom to buy some dungarees. We went to our usual store, Boel, on Moore St. Mom was upset at the price increase! We probably bought a pair of Mavericks for a whopping $1.66-outrages! It was “highway robbery,” we used to say! I asked mom, “So, how much do they usually cost?” She said something like $1.00 or $1.25. All I know is we went home and I changed and ran to the schoolyard.
Getting there was tougher than usual. The pants were stiff! These were tough denim, and this was before anyone thought of pre-washing them. Besides, I needed to get to the game. At the game, I didn’t do too well: I dropped a high-fly and I threw to the wrong base or didn’t tag a runner. It must’ve been the pants… As usual, David came over, put his arm around me and told me it was ok cause in the end, we won anyway. That was always David, sympathetic, compassionate.
One day, Jesus was on His way with many of His disciples to a city called Nain. Nearing the gate, of the city he saw….”a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, young man, I say unto thee, arise. And he that was dead sat up and began to speak, and he delivered him to his mother” (Luke 7:12-15).
I’m sure both mom and son, as well as everyone present had lots to talk about on their way home!
Like my friend David, Jesus had compassion on a ‘stiff’ and raised him from the dead. Sometimes we feel stiff, dead, unable to go on. Jesus, the life-giver, full of compassion calls us out. Allow Him to put His arm around you and tell you it’s okay. Let Him restore your life. And if you mess up a game, He’ll understand that it could’ve been the pants.
God Bless!

Ms. International Always in Fashion

Happy Birthday to our treasure

Where it’s always a pleasure

Without measure

To see her passion

For color and fashion!

We thank God for our youngest!
Love ya,
Papi & Mami

Happy 3rd Birthday!