The Rock

Wrestlers are easily identifiable by their getup, their antics, and their build. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson), made his debut at about the time that our 16-year-old son grew an affinity towards Wrestle-Mania. We began watching it with him. We watched the good & bad fights, as well as the fake ones too!
Withholding names, there was the “A” team and the “B” team. The wrestler on the “A” team had a sister whose boyfriend was on the “B” team. In order for the boyfriend to provoke her brother, he had a quick plan: “Slap me” he told her. She said, “What?” and he repeated it. She then pretended to slap him hard outside the ring where they were at. Problem was, the microphone was on and everyone heard it! Of course, her outraged brother ‘thought’ his sister was being harassed, and therefore, began punching the wrestler. When the replay was shown, they muted the mic. so that no-one could hear what had really happened! Our poor son! Shattered dreams!
Not so with Jesus. Before a band of men, officers, sent from the chief priests, the Pharisees, scribes, and elders, arrested Him at the garden, He had to be kissed for identification. He was a common man. He wasn’t identifiable because, unlike the religious people and leaders of the day, He didn’t seek His glory or fame. There were no bulging muscles, no outrageous outfits, no crazy acts or displays of authority to identify Him as The Son of God. The best take-way is He didn’t fake anything-not even His death as some believe. He didn’t remove the huge nails, wander off the cross, and stagger into a desert where He fainted and then lived ‘happily’ ever-after. Nope, He endured crucifixion to the end; He resurrected on the third day, and later ascended into heaven! The True Rock won’t shatter your dreams! He’s the real thing!
Wrestling with issues these days?
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Our issues and struggles are not against individuals, agencies, or even “the system;” we’re fighting a spiritual battle in the atmospheric heavens led by Satan and his demonic beings. What do you wear for such battles? No outrageous outfits will do! Stay tune!
God Bless!