“You’ll have to take me in alive!!” “Over my dead body!” You’ll never catch me!”
Those were words we often used as kids playing cops and robbers, Cowboy and Indians, Crooks and Thieves, etc. Each game had its rules. Each game called for action. Always the villain, my little brother, Nels, had multiple ways of escaping us. He was always the bad guy, always the mastermind while our cuz, June, and I were the good guys setting up traps for a 5-yr. old! He’d escape on his tricycle. He’d go in to our bedroom and exit with costumes, weapons, etc.

Never! has been the reaction of many people, even God’s people towards changes or individuals. When asked if they’d like to serve God, most people will say they aren’t ready for it yet. That’s because most people believe we have to clean up our act first and be righteous BEFORE serving God. FALSE! God cleanses us! He makes us righteous, not we ourselves! Otherwise, why need Him if we could make it on our own? God can save and use ANYBODY He chooses to! Read on.

Many people can’t believe God could use a harlot for His glory and plans. It so happened that after Moses’ death, God raised Joshua in his place. Joshua sent out two spies. They were hidden and sheltered from the townspeople by Rahab, the harlot. A pact was made: Save my people since I have saved you two, she told the spies. It was agreed. Everyone within her house walls on the day of attack would be spared death. She first had to hang a red cord out her window.

On the day of attack, the red cord was spotted and everyone within saved. Rahab, a no-doubt, despise woman, went on to play an important part in God’s plans. In Matthew 1:5, Rahab, (here called Rachab) forms part of Jesus’ lineage! I’m sure that most of her shameful life she thought, I’ll never be worth anything.” But God can use anyone and everyone for His kingdom. A seemingly nobody, a worthless person by society’s standards, became world-known.

God doesn’t say, “Yeah, yeah-and last, but not least…” NO, you’ll be included as one of the greats in His kingdom should you decide to follow Him.
The religious leaders of His day, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, claimed ‘Never will God bare a son!’ He’s Spirit, and has no human features, they thought. Therefore, it was blasphemous for Jesus not only to claim being the Son of God, but also to be equal to Him.
Yes, they knew the scriptures! But they also missed some of them! The book of Isaiah says, “Therefore, the Lord (Adonay) himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call his name Immanuel” (7:14). Had they read that and understood it, they’d know that Immanuel means God with us.

Another missed scripture is Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Sar Shalom).” Living under NEVER! cost them to miss out on appreciating the Messiah right in their midst! He had all these lessons for them.

How about you? Do you think your neighbors will ever be accepted by God? Do you think He doesn’t need them? DO you think they don’t deserve to get in? Do you think you’ll never be accepted by God? Read these words:
“But God is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us-ward not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9).
God hasn’t returned because He’s waiting on you to call upon Him. Once you do, you’ll never say NEVER, but will always be in His presence.
God Bless!