God’s Wisdom

            Entering our time machine, we can go back several thousand years and visit the richest man ever, King Solomon, who also was the wisest man that ever lived.  “He was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezra-hite, He-man, and Chal-col, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations around.  He…spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1005” (1Kings 4:29-34).  He had…horses, etc. He could solve riddles, mysteries, and issues plaguing his people 
               Fast-forwarding several centuries, we can make a stop at Jesus’ neighborhood and catch Him walking amongst man.  When He walked the earth, He had lots of issues with the so-called religious leaders of the day.  Simply because they had learned God’s rules and commandments one particular way, and considered every other way wrong.  Nothing could get them to interpret things differently.                                                                            
                 On a particular day, He said to them, Behold, one greater than Solomon is here.  For all of King Solomon’s worth, Jesus was even greater. In so many words, Jesus was telling the people that they needed to move on.  Had they truly understood the scriptures they were claiming to uphold and follow, they would have recognized Him as the One the prophets of old had been waiting for.                                                                                                             
                 Getting back to our time machine, we can travel to the first day of creation!  If you contemplate God’s creation, you’ll notice He didn’t just create things into being, He made each with a divine purpose and abilities.  Each possesses tremendous skills and/or qualities for a unique model.  Wisdom is evident in all of God’s magnificent creation.                                                                                                  
              I once read that a Scientist challenged God saying he too was highly capable of creating human life.  Off they went to gather their supplies. As God reached for His pile of dirt, the scientist took the opportunity to ask Him for some.  God told him, “Go make your own dirt!”  The scientist couldn’t use existing dirt to make a man, he first had to create dirt.                                                                                  
            “By faith we understand that the things we see were created by things we don’t see” (Hebrews 11:3). 
              God didn’t use what was already lying around to make things.  No, He created all things out of nothing.

God Bless,